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Memórias De Ontem

Memories Of Yesterday

Sofia and André talk about everything they did yesterday with their friends. Notice how different forms of the past tense are used throughout the dialogue.

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  • 00:00:03André: Ontem tivemos muita sorte!
  • 00:00:06Sofia: Pois foi. Nunca pensei que nos arranjassem uma mesa para 6 pessoas àquela hora.
  • 00:00:11André: Pois, também não estava à espera que o Pedro e a Bárbara viessem ter connosco.
  • 00:00:16Sofia: Mas ainda bem que vieram. Estava com imensas saudades deles!
  • 00:00:20André: E aonde é que foste depois do almoço?
  • 00:00:23Sofia: Fui passear com o Bernardo. Fizemos uma caminhada até à praia e, depois, estivemos lá à conversa.
  • 00:00:29André: Que bom!
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adorarTo love, adore agradávelpleasant arranjarto arrange, get, set up, fix BaixaDowntown caminhadawalk, hike combinarto combine, arrange, agree, settle, join conversaconversation convidarto invite depoislater, then, after engraçadafunny sing.,fem. a escritawriting noun incrívelincredible, amazing jantarto dine, to have dinner there, over there far away, out of sight mandarto send, order, command, call the shots nuncanever ontemyesterday passearto go for a walk, wander around, stroll pensarto think rirto laugh saudadelonging, yearning, nostalgia a sorteluck
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Fazer anosto have a birthday estar à esperato be waiting, to be expecting Qualquer coisaAnything, something A sério?Really?, Seriously? Estou com saudades deI miss, I'm longing for Ainda bem queI'm glad that Que giroHow cool, How cute, How nice Que bomThat's good, How nice PoisYeah, Well, Right Ainda bemI'm glad, Thank goodness, Just as well, Good thing ir viver para forato go live abroad
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A Distração Perfeita
Cais do Sodré
Estação de São Bento
Jantar em Casa do José
Viver Para Dar aos Outros
Vasco da Gama
Rita E Raquel Vão Ao Cinema
O Miguel Faz A Vontade À Gisela
Tratado de Tordesilhas
Conversa no Jardim


    • There are 2 lines in which we use conjuntivo forms in this Shorty, which are typically considered above the A2 level. The CEFR ratings are just an estimate, as natural language usually falls across multiple levels at once. We felt that overall this dialogue fit better in A2, despite there being some elements of more advanced grammar. We’ll continue to gauge feedback on this, though!

  • At 1:00 André says “se é”? Or “sim é”? If he really says “se é”, what does that mean?

    • Olá 🙂 André does say “se é”. This is an idiomatic and emphatic way of confirming the previous idea. Like saying “Oh yes, she is!”

  • Can you please explain
    Why the imperfect subjunctive is used in the sentence “Nunca pensei que nos arranjassem uma mesa”
    The translation says “I never thought that we would get a table for 6 which doesnt seem be identical.´

    It seems that a more correct translation would be “I never thought they might get/arrange us a table for 6 “.

    Could the word conseguiríamos have been used as a replacement for nos arranjassem ?

    Many thanks

    • In negative subordinate clauses, the verb ‘pensar’ generally asks for the subjunctive by default. The conditional (e.g. your proposed ‘conseguiríamos’) is seen occasionally, but not recommended in European Portuguese (it does seem more common in Brazilian Portuguese). So, if you would like to use an alternative wording, you could go for ‘conseguíssemos’.
      – Nunca pensei que conseguíssemos uma mesa.
      In any case, the current sentence & translation are sufficiently aligned in terms of the general idea that is expressed.

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