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Lisboetas VS Portuenses

People from Lisbon vs. People from Porto

Have you ever wondered why people from Porto and Lisbon make fun of each other? It’s not just about the accent. Learn more about the origins of their nicknames and the history behind this rivalry.

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  • 00:00:03Alguma vez ouviste as expressões “Alfacinhas” e “Tripeiros”?
  • 00:00:07Pois bem, para todos os novos visitantes, fiquem a saber que há uma diferença
  • 00:00:12entre os moradores de Lisboa - Alfacinhas; e os moradores do Porto - Tripeiros... Supostamente.
  • 00:00:20Donde veio esta separação?
  • 00:00:22Há quem goste de dizer que os lisboetas têm o nome ‘Alfacinhas’
  • 00:00:27por estar mais próximo ao que eles acreditam ser um caráter manso,
  • 00:00:32aborrecido e pouco dado a aventuras e conquistas.
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AborrecidoAnnoying, boring agoranow a alcunhanickname a alfacelettuce AlimentosFoods o anoyear assuntoSubject, topic, matter, point AventurasAdventures a carnemeat a cartaletter CaráterCharacter, nature a certezacertainty, assurance a cidadecity ConquistasConquests ContrárioUnlike, contrary, opposite a diferençadifference DificuldadeDifficulty disponívelavailable DisputaDispute EngenhoIngenuity, skill o esforçoeffort EstranhoStrange, odd, weird expressõesexpressions o fatosuit felizmentefortunately Final do diaEnd of the day FornecidasSupplied FracoteWeak, showing some weakness fácileasy a gentethe people, everybody, we, us inf. gozarto make fun of, to kid, to mock IrrelevanteIrrelevant JustificativasJustifications Linha de frenteFront line Mais próximoCloser MansoMeek, calm, gentle MisturadaMixed os moradoresthe residents o motivomotive, reason a naçãonation necessárionecessary NobresNoble nomename NovosNew, young a origemorigin OriginalidadeOriginality a palavraword PopularPopular o povothe people, population, general public a produçãoproduction PropíciasConducive, favorable provadoproven masc.,sing. ReconquistadaReconquered o reiking ReviravoltaTurnaround SacrifícioSacrifice situaçãosituation os soldadosthe soldiers SuficientesEnough SupostamenteSupposedly, allegedly o séculocentury a terrasoil, earth, land TripasGuts VerdadeiroTrue VisitantesVisitors VitoriosaVictorious ÁrabesArabs
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Dondefrom where Alguma vezEver, at one time Pois bemwell Fiquem a saberKnow that Naturais de LisboaPeople from Lisbon, natives Que não aOther than Em relaçãoRegarding Nesta épocaAt this time Cerco de LisboaEpisode of the Christian reconquest of the Iberian peninsula Conquista de CeutaConquest of Ceuta, Portuguese overseas expansion
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Cava de Viriato
António Costa
Uma Consulta Ao Advogado
A Exploração Espacial
Liliana Precisa De Tempo
Jantar De Colegas… Ou Algo Mais?
O Bebé Pequerrucho
Mensagem De Agradecimento
Carolos à Moda da Beira-Alta
Carapaus de Corrida


  • Hello, I cannot understand if there is an error in the question. Shouldn’t it be “Qual É a alcunha”? Obrigado!

    • Hi, Stefano! In this case, it’s not an error, just an alternative way of writing the question. You can say both “Qual a alcunha?” or “Qual é a alcunha?” 🙂 With this particular interrogative pronoun (Qual), it’s possible to omit the verb and still have a grammatically correct sentence.

    • This is great! I love it when you link to the origins of words, especially ones that come from Arabic. So cool alface comes from the word al- Hassa. I was laughing so much..I wouldn’t want to be called tripeira being vegan and all.. so I guess I’m never moving to o Porto! .Would much rather be an alfacinha !! ..:)

      On a side note..I love listening to kena! What a nice voice and clear pronaunciation.

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