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A Investigação Tem Corrido Bem

The Investigation Has Been Going Well

Detective Esteves updates Clara on the investigation. Pay special attention to how past participles are used throughout the dialogue.

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  • 00:00:03Clara: Bom dia, detetive Esteves, há novidades da investigação?
  • 00:00:07Esteves: Olá, dona Clara.
  • 00:00:09Desculpe, eu sei que tinha ficado de lhe dizer alguma coisa, mas isto anda complicado.
  • 00:00:16Clara: Não se preocupe. Já nos tinham dito que ia ser um caso bicudo.
  • 00:00:20O detetive e os seus colegas têm trabalhado muito bem.
  • 00:00:24Eu e a minha família estamos muito agradecidos a vocês.
  • 00:00:27Esteves: Ora essa, é a nossa obrigação. E até já sabemos algumas coisas.
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agradecidothankful, grateful aliásIndeed, in fact, by the way, besides o assaltoassault, robbery AutorizaçãoAuthorization, permission BicudoComplicated, hard. Literally, it means "pointy" casocase Culpadosguilty DetetiveDetective DetidoDetained ExtinguidoExtinguished FeridosWounded, injured O fogoThe fire IncêndioFire InterrogadoQuestioned investigaçãoresearch, investigation as novidadesnews, updates Prendidoarrested QuemWho, whom SuspeitosSuspects
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Ora essaOh come on, You're welcome
Premium Feature: Smart Review

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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


    • You can click the “1x” on the upper right of the player to change the speed faster or slower. 🙂 There’s also a “back 10 seconds” button to the left of that (is that what you mean by reverse?).

  • Hi, could you tell me
    1) what is the meaning of “deu para” at 1:18.
    2) why you speak like this “É isso que se quer.” at 1:59, can i speak like this “É isso que queremos”
    3) what is the meaing between “prender” and “deter”?
    4) At 2:09, Why speak like this “Suponho que podia ter sido pior…”, can i speak like this ” suponho que podia ter estado pior”

    • Olá!
      1) The verb “dar” is used in the sense of something being possible – this is one of many idiomatic uses of the verb. “Deu para ver”, in this context, means “it was possible to see” or “you could see”.
      2) This is also an idiomatic expression. “É isso que queremos” is also grammatically correct, but not how we’d usually phrase this, since you’re giving it a very specific subject (we), while “É isso que se quer” is impersonal.
      3) Prender = arrest. Deter = detain. Basically, “prender” indicates that the person is being charged with a crime.
      4) This is one of those tricky choices between ser and estar. In this context, only the verb ser (ter sido pior) fits well. Your option is also grammatically correct, but more suitable in other contexts. For example, something like, “Não estava frio na praia. Podia ter estado pior” (It wasn’t cold at the beach. It could’ve been worse).

      • 1) At 2:16, Esteves: Exatamente. Há que ver o lado positivo.
        what’s the meaing of ” Haver que” ??
        2) At 00:49, Mas posso revelar que são suspeitos envolvidos noutros crimes.
        Can I speak like this ” Mas posso revelar que os suspeitos são envolvidos noutros crimes.”
        3) At 1:13, Esteves: Sim. Quando lá chegámos, os bombeiros já tinham extinguido o incêndio,
        Can I speak like this “Esteves: Sim. Quando chegámos lá , os bombeiros já tinham extinguido o incêndio,
        Thank you very much!!

        • Olá, Pang.
          1) “Haver que” is like “é preciso”. It means that something should be done. “Há que ajudar as pessoas” = “É preciso ajudar as pessoas” = “We need to help people/People need to be helped”
          2) Your alternative is fine if you change the verb to “estar”. “Mas posso revelar que são suspeitos envolvidos noutros crimes” = “Mas posso revelar que os suspeitos estão envolvidos noutros crimes”.
          3) Yes, you can.

  • Hi why is it “tinha estado envolvido” (estar) but “ser interrogado” (ser)? Is there a reference material I can look at? Is passive tense always with “ser”? What is a good way to tell.

    • Olá. You’re looking at different tenses in each case:
      – Tinha estado envolvido = Had been involved (past perfect – not covered in depth on PP yet, but touched upon here: Past Participles & Auxiliary Verbs)
      – Estão a ser interrogados = Are being questioned (present continuous – covered here: Present Continuous in Portuguese)

      The verb ser is the standard auxiliary verb for the passive voice, but it’s not exclusive. The verb ficar, for example, is also an occasional auxiliary verb:
      – O calor derreteu o chocolate (active voice) = O chocolate ficou derretido pelo calor (passive voice) [The chocolate was melted by the heat]

  • Olá,
    In the following phrase: “Ah… não nos foi dada autorização para dizer.” why is it dada and not dado?

    • ‘Autorização’ is a feminine noun, so you go with the feminine form – ‘dada’. A more literal translation would be something like ‘Permission was not given to us to say’, so ‘permission’ is the part that is being modified by ‘dada’ (instead of ‘we’).

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