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A Cidade de Faro

The City of Faro

Learn more about Faro, the largest city in the Algarve region of Portugal with plenty of charm.

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  • 00:00:03Faro é muitas vezes considerado,
  • 00:00:06apenas e só, como o ponto de chegada ao Algarve,
  • 00:00:11já que é a partir daqui que os turistas,
  • 00:00:14acabados de aterrar no aeroporto,
  • 00:00:17partem em direção a outros destinos
  • 00:00:21como a Quinta do Lago, Albufeira, ou Portimão.
  • 00:00:25Mas a capital do Algarve esconde vários tesouros
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AcabadosFinished o aeroportoairport albergarto harbour, accomodate apenasjust, only ArcoArc, arch A areiasand AterrarTo land o camaleãochameleon a capelachapel Cavalo-marinhoSeahorse CharmosaCharming a chegadaarrival ConcorridasCrowded ConsideradoConsidered descobrirto discover o destinodestination EmblemáticoEmblematic, iconic esconderto hide EstreitasNarrow o ladoside LocalizadaLocated as muralhaswalls os ossosBones PasseioWalk, stroll, tour, outing o pontopoint a portadoor as ruasstreets o segredosecret noun a subidaclimb, ascent only, just TalvezMaybe TesourosTreasures a torretower, turret, rook os turistasthe tourists VelhaOld a vistasight, view
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a calçada portuguesatraditional Portuguese pavement, sidewalk Em direção aTowards Em vias de extinçãoEndangered, On the verge of extinction Muitas vezesOften, many times
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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • It is a great city which I know well. I have visited many times.
    Many people only know it as an airport, they turn left at the N125 to be taken to places like Quinta do Lago and Albufeira in the Central Algarve which are hardly Portugal at all. Some of the places are pretty awful and if you try to speak Portuguese in a bar or cafe you will often receive looks of astonishment or a reply in English or German !
    I avoid the bit of the Algarve west of Faro and as far as Lagos and nowadays even further west towards Sagres is nothing to write home about. I make an exception for Portimao which is a real Portuguese city where people live but they spoiled for ever it when they “upgraded” the sardine selling area.
    We now always turn right at the 125. The lagoons between Faro and towns in the East like Olhao and Tavira are still Portugal. Olhao I think is my favourite …..a real working town. Tavira is beautiful, calm but becoming a wee bit touristy!! You have to understand that when I go to Portugal I am not a tourist.!!
    But back to Faro. When you visit take one of the excellent free walking tours. You will learn so much.
    When eating in any of the towns in the Eastern Algarve too I recommend eating where the locals do………Fialho in the Sitio de Pinheiro is one of my favourites

    Esta lição fez-me perceber o quanto já sinto falta de Portugal! Pinheiro, eu volto.

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