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A Lenda da Rapariga com Pés de Cabra

The Legend of the Girl with Goat's Feet

In this Lenda (tale), we explore a famous Portuguese tale of a woman… with goat feet! She manages to keep the secret hidden her entire life, until a nobleman falls in love with her and learns the truth.

(special thanks to Luís Relógio for writing this episode!)

  • 00:00:00Introduction
  • 00:01:27Section 1
  • 00:03:26Section 2
  • 00:04:48Section 3
  • 00:07:05Section 4
  • 00:08:36Section 5
  • 00:10:30Transition to Discussion
  • 00:11:15Section 1 + Discussion
  • 00:18:52Section 2 + Discussion
  • 00:23:16Section 3 + Discussion
  • 00:32:49Section 4 + Discussion
  • 00:38:06Section 5 + Discussion
  • 00:43:18Outro

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  • 00:00:01Joel: Boa tarde, Rui!
  • 00:00:02Rui: Boa tarde, Joel!
  • 00:00:03Joel: E como é que estás, hoje?
  • 00:00:06Rui: Estou bem. Dormi bem.
  • 00:00:07Joel: E já estás pronto para o Natal?
  • 00:00:10Rui: Sim, estou.
  • 00:00:11Já comprei as prendas, já fizemos a árvore, já comecei a comer doces, já tenho o meu
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Adentroto inside O amado, a amadathe beloved charmosoCharming dalifrom there DianteIn front of Espreguiçarto stretch logotherefore, later, soon, right away o nobreThe noble PorémHowever, yet, though O sapateiro, a sapateirashoemaker
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Que talwhat about Pé ante péone foot after another (tiptoeing) Deitar mãos à obraget to work Como se fosseas if it were Estar em ruínasto be in ruins SequerEven, For that matter
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Prémios e Roubos
Despedidas e Parcerias
Já Somos YouTubers!
Maratona de Leitura
Como Falam os Nossos Membros?
Ninguém Quer Esparguete Doce
As Senhoras Que Bebem Cerveja
Dona Gertrudes e a Conta do Gás
Roupa Na Varanda, Afinal Quem Manda?
À Caça de Descontos no Supermercado


  • Beautiful Portuguese language and pronunciation! I notice that bit by bit, my ears are getting used to the spoken language. Thanks to listening (almost) every day your artigos, diálogos etc.
    I was hoping on a happy end, no espírito de ‘são rosas, senhor’ . Mas às vezes a vida é dura. Que drama!

    Cumprimentos de Holanda,
    Rens Leenders

  • Well, I never knew the word ‘cobblers’ wasn’t used in other English speaking countries. Yes, in England, we take our shoes to the cobblers to be mended, however, these establishments are now few and far between. Not many people have their shoes fixed now, they simply buy a new pair.

    ‘Cobblers’ also has an idiomatic meaning. We say, ‘What a load of cobblers!’, or just, ‘cobblers!’ to mean something is nonsense, rubbish, silly, etc. What I didn’t realise until I looked this up, is that the expression is actually Cockney rhyming slang and has nothing to do with cobblers. It originates from the sharp tool that cobblers use called an awl – awl rhymes with ‘ball’ – so what the expression means is ‘What a load of balls! (testicles). So, Rui and Joel, not only are you teaching me Portuguese but also, indirectly, English!

    Great site and keep up the good work.

    • The word “cobbler” has been used in the US but just isn’t common now (partly because craftsmen that make shoes are not popular. In the area where my mother grew up there was a local legend about a headless cobbler that lived in a cave. The legend originated in the mid 1800s because this cobbler (who actually did live in a cave) made shoes late into the night by the light of a dim lantern. Passersby could only make out his body and hands as he worked because the lantern wasn’t bright enough to illuminate his head well.

  • I noticed that you two said goat feet instead of hooves. Is the term for hooves less common? I’m curious because I looked up pés de cabra with an online dictionary and it says it means crowbars as well. Don’t you just love words with drastically different meanings? Oh and I’m from the United States and I grew up with the term cobbler. As another subscriber mentioned, the term isn’t as prevalent as it used to be but there are still a few cobbler shops around. Thanks for the interesting story. Muito obrigada!

  • Absolutely brilliant…For the first time in years of trying to learn Portuguese I understood almost all of this dialogue…Thank you so much…now I am more determined to become more fluent

  • thanks for this episode! love it, you have such dynamic way to make us learn!
    By the way I listen to it just now for the first time and it is not Christmas!
    Thanks again,

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