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New Features & Announcements

  • Multiple choice: Option to hide answer options until ready to respond (to force yourself to think instead of recognize )
  • Sorting questions: Option to type your answer
  • Videos: Tap a line to jump to that spot in the video
  • Shorties Shortcuts: space bar = play/pause, left arrow = fast backward, right arrow = fast forward
  • Speedometer icon: Control the speed of Shorties and Podcast episodes
  • Lessons Shortcuts: esc = Skip, Control+Enter = start/stop speaking practice recording, numbers 1 2 3 4 = select answers
  • Ukrainian has been added to the translator tool
  • Shorties/Podcasts/Videos: Toggle on "Look Up" to select and translate individual words
  • Listen & Speak - Create audio reviews to review and practice speaking, on or offline.
  • Translator icon: Open the Translator without leaving the page

Most Recent Posts

Dele/Dela 与 Seu/Sua 的用法 (10/4/2021) - Dele 还是 seu? 在使用欧葡中的…
第三人称的所有格:De + 代词 (10/4/2021) - Seu, Sua, Seus 和 Sua…
第三人称的所有格:Seu 和 Sua (10/4/2021) - 他/她/它的,他/她/它们的 还有几个需…
第一、第二人称的所有格 (10/4/2021) - 我(们)的, 你(们)的 让我们仔细看看…
葡萄牙语中的所有格 (10/4/2021) - 物主限定词与物主代词 在本单元中,我们将…
前置词 “A” (10/3/2021) - A 是一个非常重要而且用途广泛的葡萄牙语…

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