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Um Fim De Semana Cultural

A Cultural Weekend

Luís and his family took a trip to Sintra to embrace history and Portuguese culture. Let’s see how their weekend went!

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  • 00:00:00No fim de semana passado, o Luís decidiu ir passear com a família à serra de Sintra.
  • 00:00:11Apesar de viverem em Lisboa, nem sempre as pessoas podem tirar algum tempo
  • 00:00:17para visitarem o fabuloso património histórico do “pulmão” da capital.
  • 00:00:21Eles apanharam o comboio na estação do Rossio e chegaram ao destino por volta das 9 horas.
  • 00:00:32Ao chegarem ao centro da vila, foram tomar o pequeno-almoço numa pastelaria,
  • 00:00:36onde puderam comer uma afamada queijada de Sintra e beber um galão.
  • 00:00:43Depois subiram a serra de tuk-tuk, até chegarem ao Palácio da Pena,
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AcompanhadosAccompanied Afamadafamous aindastill, yet, even O almoçolunch Apesar deAlthough, even though, despite Aposentos reaisRoyal quarters Cansadostired CapitalCapital o castelocastle o centrocentre a cidadecity comboiotrain as corescolours De regressoBack to, upon return De voltaBack to, upon return descansarto rest Dessa alturaOf that time o destinodestination domingoSunday o edifíciobuilding Espetáculo de fadoFado show estaçãostation Estilo de vidaLifestyle ExteriorOutside, exterior FabulosoFabulous a famíliafamily família realroyal family FantásticaFantastic o fim de semanaweekend fériasholidays, vacations HistóricoHistorical os mourosMoors Nem sempreNot always a noitenight a ocupaçãooccupation ondewhere OstentaçãoOstentation o paláciopalace passadopast, last masc. passearto go for a walk, wander around, stroll a pastelariapastry shop o patrimónioheritage, patrimony, legacy o pequeno-almoçobreakfast as pessoaspeople Por voltaaround (approximately) o pulmãolung o reiking a residênciaresidence, residence hall o restauranterestaurant serramountains, mountain range SobreAbout, on, over, above TípicaTypical, traditional TípicoTypical, traditional, classic os vestígiosTraces, vestiges, ruins, remains a vilavillage a visitavisit a vistasight, view ÁrabeArab
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O galãoEspresso with sugar and lots of milk A queijada de SintraSweet cheese pastry from Sintra Tirar algum tempoTake some time Sobe e desceUp and down
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Cava de Viriato
António Costa
Uma Consulta Ao Advogado
A Exploração Espacial
Liliana Precisa De Tempo
Jantar De Colegas… Ou Algo Mais?
O Bebé Pequerrucho
Mensagem De Agradecimento
Carolos à Moda da Beira-Alta
Carapaus de Corrida


  • Love your site; been using it about four months. One tiny gripe, though. It would be so much better if you listed the vocabulary for the “shorties” in the order that it appears, rather than alphabetically.
    All the best,

  • Just now signed up. Finished my first shorty, wasn’t able to understand everything but enough to get the drift of what was said.
    The vocabulary, expressions and quiz are helpful

    Anthony Monteiro

  • Eu também visitei Sintra recentemente. O palácio é ótimo. Mas o que mais me entusiasmou foi o parque/floresta na serra de Sintra. Tanto verde!

    • Olá! Sorry for only replying now, but the spam filter messed up and blocked your comment.

      This tense is not actually the future subjunctive, but the personal infinitive in the third-person plural. ‘Viver’ is a regular verb, so its future subjunctive and personal infinitive conjugations look the same and are easily mistaken for one another.

      Now, why is the personal infinitive used here? Simply because the subordinating conjunction “apesar de” requires it. Different conjunctions force the verbs into different tenses. For example, the conjunction “embora” always asks for subjunctive tenses (present or imperfect). So, had we used that one instead, we’d have to write “Embora vivam em Lisboa…”. Hope this helps 🙂

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