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João e os Livros

João and the Books

João talks to his friend Pedro about his passion for reading and writing. Does Pedro feel the same way?

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  • 00:00:01Pedro: João, tu tens uma caneta?
  • 00:00:04João: Sim, eu tenho uma caneta.
  • 00:00:07E tenho um livro.
  • 00:00:08Pedro: Um livro?
  • 00:00:10Tu tens livros?
  • 00:00:11João: Sim, eu gosto de ler livros.
  • 00:00:15Pedro: Eu não leio livros. Eu leio o jornal.
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Premium Feature: Episode Quizzes

With a Premium Subscription, you can take episode quizzes to challenge your comprehension skills and track your progress!

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a canetapen a cartaletter eand escreverto write EuI, me os jornaisnewspapers o jornalnewspaper lerto read o livrobook os livrosbooks muitasmany, a lot of fem. muitosmany, a lot of masc. SimYes TuYou sing.,inf.
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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Uau!Wow! Cuidado!Careful!
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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Aprender uma Nova Língua
O Delicioso Pastel de Nata
Passeio De Domingo
O Diário da Beatriz
Gostos Semelhantes
Um Passeio Estragado
À Procura de um Apartamento
Queres Vir Cá Jantar?
Uma Série de Perguntas
Dois Pais à Conversa


  • Hey guys,
    These mini dialogues are great features you have added. Thank you!
    Have you thought about doing strictly audio lessons so I can practice while driving to work every day?

  • I agree that these mini-dialogues are very helpful, especially for those of us who have not had much practice in listening to spoken Portuguese and trying to comprehend what is said!
    I very much look forward to them!

  • I found the quiz has many words that had not been mentioned before and there is no where to look the word up. So one has to guess.

    • Thanks for your comment! It is true that many of the choices introduce new words, and it was somewhat intentional, as an additional learning opportunity. We can rethink this if it’s too overwhelming. On the other hand, as long as you can spot the right answer (which always uses the same words seen on the dialogue), it should be possible to complete the quiz successfully 🙂

  • These short clips are indeed fantastic. Great that I can follow with the scrolling transcript. Yes, the quizzie is a bit tough, but I feel good about stretching my limits a bit and having to put more effort in.

  • It would be helpful if there were a vocabulary section to practice all the different words that are used in dialogues! Also maybe during these shorts could someone read out the questions so we can hear pronunciations? Thanks!

      • Just wanted to let you know we are currently working on vocabulary and expressions lists for these older Shorties that don’t have them. Having audio for the questions is also a great idea and hopefully something we can tackle soon. If only there were more hours in the day!

  • Love these short dialogues, great listening opportunities along with building vocabulary, and the quiz really helps to retain goings on of the conversation

  • I like these mini dialogues, too. It’d be great if you could add an audio file in which one can listen to the question and get to know the correct pronounciation in Portuguese (as proposed by kschluntz1 above). Further, it’d be great if there were not only answers to click on but also to speak out so that you can train the pronounciation.

  • The very first conversation I’ve fully understood 1st go and heard every word clearly. Thanks, this motivates me!

  • I like the dialogue, it really helps you to understand the pronunciation. I was very impressed that I was able to read and understand it before looking at the translation as well.

  • The program is great. I have to say though that I’m having a hard time hearing the difference between ELES and ELAS…I’ll get there eventually….I hope.

  • I teach English as a second language. I love that there are some words which require you to figure them out based on the context. This can help you retain the vocabulary better by associating a memory with that word. Great job guys thanks

  • It’s counterintuitive to have new words introduced in the quiz questions without a way to look them up. It makes me close the quiz and move to something else, where I understood the conversation just fine.

    • Sorry about that Jana and thank you for your thoughts on this. We try to use the quizzes as an opportunity to check your understanding, but also to allow you to learn new words/grammar from context. Without being able to rely on the translations, you’re forced to fill in the gaps and try to determine the meaning on your own. I think this is a good exercise because it mimics something you have to do often in real life, but obviously there needs to be a balance. It should feel challenging, but not so frustrating that you don’t want to complete the task. So we really appreciate the feedback and apologize that it was much more annoying than helpful in this case. We’re considering some changes to the quiz as others have asked for the translations here too. Thanks again!

  • I’ve noticed a few comments about people disliking having new vocabulary introduced in the quizzes, it is actually a standard teaching method to offer exposure to something new without explicitly teaching the meaning or gramar structure at that point in time. A similar format is used in the native english programme I work with.
    However, if you are finding it distracting or frustrating or just want to know every word’s meaning, a good tip is to jot the unknown word down in your vocabulary notebook then at the end of your session you can quickly look up the meanings in a dictionary.
    You can still answer the quiz questions by process of elimination. I’ve found personally I dont need to understand every word I hear in order to get the gist of conversations. Isn’t that just a normal stage of learning a new language?

  • I like your dialogues a lot and also the fact that you keep on repeating vocabulary in different exercises. I cannot comment on how difficult it can be to other students to understand new words because I know other Latin languages that help me guess. In my case phonetics is more of a challenge than vocabulary. What I can say is that in my field of work, conference interpreting (aka simultaneous translation) analyzing the context in order to figure out meaning is a very useful technique and that I apply it all the time when learning foreign languages. But maybe how much guessing is necessary in a given dialogue can be considered.

    Congratulations. I think your learning studio is very good.

    • Thanks Maria (and everyone else) for all your thoughts on this! I agree that analyzing the context to figure out new vocab is helpful, which is why we’ve been so torn on this! For the time being, I agree that we could just work on considering how much guessing is required for a given dialogue.

  • Amazing! Could you please add new nouns in vocabulary with articles (e.g. “a caneta”)? I feel it’s easier to learn this way… Thanks!!

    • Great idea! We’ve been working on some updates to the vocabulary/expressions sections. This should allow us to add more information to these terms in the future, including the part of speech.

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