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O Mosteiro da Batalha

The Batalha Monastery

Learn about the Mosteiro da Batalha, an emblematic monument in the history of Portugal.

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  • 00:00:03É na região de Leiria que se encontra um dos monumentos mais emblemáticos do nosso país -
  • 00:00:09o Mosteiro da Batalha.
  • 00:00:11Durante a crise régia de 1383-1385,
  • 00:00:17os portugueses travaram várias batalhas com o Reino de Castela,
  • 00:00:22de forma a conseguir manter a sua independência administrativa.
  • 00:00:27A mais importante e marcante das batalhas
  • 00:00:29foi travada no campo militar de Aljubarrota,
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as abóbodasvaults agradecerto thank, appreciate arquitetónicoarchitectural a basílicabasilica a batalhaBattle a capelachapel os claustroscloisters a crisecrisis derrotarto defeat DinastiaDynasty exércitoarmy favorecerto favour, help, benefit GóticaGothic ManuelinaManueline O mosteiroThe monastery A obraPiece of work o receiofear o reinokingdom TravadaFought, waged o tronothrone tropastroops VitóriaVictory
Premium Feature: Smart Review

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quanto aabout, in terms of uma vez quesince, as Reza a lenda queLegend has it that
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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A Revolução Liberal
O Cromo do Escritório
No Jogo Do Francisquinho
A Permacultura é Sustentável
Frango da Sarjeta
A Serra da Estrela
A Boa Esperança
O Dia da Vacina
Ready to Come About: Prologue
Viseu, Senhora da Beira


  • It appears that the phrase “uma ver que,” used twice in the story, means “since” in the sense of “because.” Could you use “desde que” or “porque” instead? Is there a difference in context?

    • Olá, Jay. Yes, “uma vez que” means “since” in the sense of “because”. But “desde que” is not interchangeable with it, because it only means “since” in the sense of “from the moment when” (or, in other contexts, “as long as”).

      “Porque” means “because”, but it’s usually not a good substitute for “uma vez que” either. “Uma vez que” is often used in contexts where in English we could use “given that…” or “considering that…”. “Porque” is used in a more straightforward way that couldn’t be translated like that. So, that should be a good way to figure out when you can use one or the other – think how the sentence could go in English.

  • Só uma perguntinha:
    infiltrou-se por acaso um erro de datilografia?
    cito: 1:39
    “ surgiu algum receio quanto à rigidez de uma das abóbodas.”
    A palavra não devia ser “abóbadas”?? Com “a”?

  • ” ele lhe terá pedido ” – can you help clarify this use of the future of ter to express something uncertain in the past. Interesting that it isn’t using the subjunctive instead . Am I right in thinking it gives a sense of “would have ” or “may have”? Any guidance on this would be great, as I’m finding it difficult to drill down through other grammar sources to find out more about it.


    • Olá, Andrew. we call this the future perfect: simple future + past participle. It could have been easily replaced by the simple past “ele pediu-lhe”, but like you said, the future perfect helps express an added level of uncertainty about what’s being said, like when we say that something allegedly happened. So, you’ll often see this construction whenever an unconfirmed fact is being reported, as is the case here. It’s more often used in formal speech/writing.

  • Em Inglaterra tambem tinhamos uma monasteiro chamada batalha, perto de Hastings, portanto o nome, mas gracas a primeiro brexit de Henry VIII hoje fica em ruinas.

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