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Tais Pais, Tais Filhos

Like Father, Like Son

Maria, Pedro and João try to determine just how much of their parents’ traits they have in them.

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  • 00:00:01Maria: Rapazes, vocês parecem-se mais com
  • 00:00:04as vossas mães ou com os vossos pais?
  • 00:00:07Pedro: Eu pareço-me com o meu pai.
  • 00:00:09Ele tem olhos e cabelo castanho como eu
  • 00:00:12e um nariz longo e fino.
  • 00:00:15Maria: Mas ele é mais alto.
  • 00:00:17Pedro: E tem uma barriga grande,
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aindastill, yet, even AltoTall atéeven, until, up to baixashort, low sing.,fem. a barbabeard a barrigabelly O bigodeThe mustache O cabelohair CabeçaHead a caraface CastanhoBrown as coisasthings compridolong crescerto grow, grow up dentesteeth enquantowhile, as long as, whereas finofine, thin as fotosphotos grandelarge IdênticosIdentical IgualSame, equal InteressanteInteresting longolong sing.,masc. louroblondemasc. os lábioslips magraslim, thin, skinny sing.,fem. MagroThin, lean, skinny (masc.) as mãesmothers as mãoshands o nariznose olhoseyes PaisFathers, parents ParecidoSimilar, alike O pescoçoneck porquebecause pretoblack Os pésfeet QuemWho, whom RapazesBoys, guys RedondaRound tornar-seto become, turn into as unhasnails body part
Premium Feature: Smart Review

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ClaroOf course Tal pai, tal filhoLike father, like son Da cabeça aos pésFrom head to toe
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • Before our first trip to Portugal three years ago, I started learning Portuguese on the Duolingo website. While it provided a base to start with on our first trip, once we landed in Lisbon, I very quickly realized that I had been learning Brazilian Portuguese, not European Portuguese. Although the syntax is very similar, the sounds of the language are quite different, (Brazilian more like Spanish) as are many of the expressions. I really struggled (and still do) with the aural component of European Portuguese in our first and second winters in the Algarve. While reviewing resources for European Portuguese on the Duolingo site a number of months ago, I came across your website. After using some of the videos for a couple of months, I took the plunge and “bought in” to your learning studio. I am so happy I did, as I find I am making huge leaps in aural comprehension using the Units, Verbs, and especially Shorties and Videos. Though there are certain episodes at 1X that are “too fast” for my level, I appreciate being able to use the translate and “talking speed” features which slows the audio down to a manageable level. We plan to return to Portugal for another winter, or perhaps as Temporary Residents at some point and I believe with the help you have given me (and so many others), I will meet the goal of speaking fluently at some point. This is one of the best language learning web based programs I have ever come across. Thank you so much for all the work you do!

    • Oh, thank you for your very kind message! In terms of aural comprehension, I think that people generally agree that European Portuguese is much more challenging that Brazilian Portuguese, so you should feel very proud of your progress. I also hope you can eventually reach your goal of being a fluent Portuguese speaker 🙂

  • That one was hard. There were so many new and even some unfamiliar words going past me so fast that I had to slow it down to .9 in order to get much at all, and then to .8 to get more, and still there were parts I did not get. I listen twice at least without the transcript, then once with the transcript before I try the quiz. And then I go back again over the transcript with the translation. Altogether too much information. I don’t feel like anywhere near all of it will stick. But I’m not complaining. I like a challenge, and if I wanted to, I could redo lessons, but I want so much to be able to conduct conversations as soon as possible, I’d rather cover words until I can do that and then come back. That being said, I definitely see the progress. Today i saw my neighbor on the steps with her cat that had gotten out. It was raining out, and I told the cat “ No, cat. No. Cats don’t like water!” Simple enough but I could tell that my neighbor appreciated my effort and progress.

    • Thanks for your feedback 🙂 We do like to challenge everyone with some new stuff along the way, but hopefully, without getting toooo overwhelming. It’s a more organic way of learning, though, isn’t it? In everyday life, not every word will be fully understandable to us (at least, not initially), but if we get the main idea, the overall context, we can work with that. Children are also bombarded with new information all the time, even when they can still barely complete a full sentence. In any case, the transcript and translation help, and I like your method of listening with and without them. No wonder you’re making progress!

  • Is there some rule about the pronunciation of the letter d? Sometimes it is pronounced like th. For example in this dialogue the words comprido and identicos as spoken by Pedro. Or is this some kind of regional accent?

    • Olá, Lanny. The letter D always sounds pretty much like D. Any variations are probably just due to little individual speech differences 🙂

  • Actually, i know what he’s saying and he is absolutely correct.

    The Portuguese make a D sound by connecting with the back of their teeth. Almost all of them. This to a native English speaker absolutely sounds like hybrid D/TH sound. A ‘D’ sound to a native English speaker is formed by not touching the teeth at all.

    This is also why the TH sound is so difficult for the Portuguese to pronounce. Most will say “dis” with that hybrid TH/D sound instead of “this”, because TH and D are formed so similarly in their mouths.

    Most of them do this. My husband, all his friends, almost everyone i ever spoke to in Portugal while living there. It’s actually a really good thing to get a hang of because it sounds far more authentic than a flat out hard D sound.

    • I had to relisten to the shorty, but I see where you’re both getting at 🙂 You’ll find many people with that “TH” sound to their D, but I don’t see it as near/universal. It’s actually not common in my circle or, when it happens, it doesn’t stand out to me at all – the latter would make it difficult for me to relate to what you hear with “fresher” ears, as it seems to have already. From what I could just gather, linguists have acknowledged both variations of the D in European Portuguese (harder D and the “Th” hybrid, more plosive vs. more fricative), but the “Th” hybrid is considered more prevalent in central and southern Portugal than up north (which makes some see it as just a regional variation), and linguists seem to only validate it between vowels, even though you might hear it in other spots.

  • What a lovely lesson! I’m really enjoying the course so far. I thank you all each day when i am done with a lesson. I worry when I can’t understand or recall many words since I wish to move to Portugal next year for my Master’s programme in Portugal, the lessons for which are only conducted in Portuguese unfortunately. But I suppose it’ll get easier with time! I was wondering when does one become “A1” in the sense how much one must know to qualify as A1?

    • Thank you so much for your comment, Batul 🙂 If it helps, apart from the official descriptions of the different CEFR levels, you can see this interactive reference guide, at the bottom of the following page, specific to Portuguese (and only in Portuguese, I’m afraid): Referencial Camões PLE

    • Yes, this one is definitely more challenging! Those words are actually a bit different: tornar-se is to become and porque is because.

  • Your dialogues are great. Thanks for all your hard work!
    I am still unsure of when I should use “longo” or “comprido” when describing something long. Are they used in different contexts or are they interchangeable?

  • Hi. Two questions:
    (1) Eu não (nos) acho muito parecidos. I do not think we look alike. I was surprised that ‘nos’ can be placed between não and acho. I would have guessed that ‘não acho’ should not be split up. Could the nos be placed elsewhere to avoid splitting up não acho? Would doing so sound better and be more grammatically correct? (2) Se (deixares) crescer uma barba e um bigode. If you grow a beard and a mustache. Why is the word ‘deixares’ needed here? Wouldn’t the sentence be fine without it?

    • Olá, Whit!
      (1) It’s absolutely fine to split up “não acho” with the pronoun “nos”, and it’s even recommended. Negative sentences ask for a proclitic placement (before the verb) of clitic pronouns, as discussed in this Learning Note: Object Pronouns in Portuguese. The other option would be an enclitic placement (after the verb), which would result in “não acho-nos” -> this doesn’t sound natural for us.

      (2) Portuguese is different from English in this aspect. In Portuguese, we don’t “grow things”, we “let things grow”. This is why the verb deixar (to let) is indeed needed in that sentence and should not be left out 🙂

  • i always like listening to these exercises.I read it in portuguese first then with the translation to see if i got it right and the listen with my eyes closed seems to help with comprehension a lot.

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