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Cristina Abre Uma Conta

Cristina Opens an Account

Cristina opens her first bank account in Portugal.

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  • 00:00:03Gestor: Boa tarde.
  • 00:00:04Em que posso ajudá-la?
  • 00:00:05Cristina: Olá, boa tarde.
  • 00:00:07Eu quero abrir uma conta.
  • 00:00:09Gestor: Muito bem.
  • 00:00:11A senhora será a única titular da conta?
  • 00:00:14Cristina: Sim.
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AberturaOpening abrirto open AconselhávelRecommended, advisable aindastill, yet, even algunssome, a few masc. alterarto alter, change apenasjust, only aquihere specific assinarto sign a cartaletter o cartãocard o comprovativoreceipt, proof consigowith you (formal) ContaAccount o contratothe contract o códigocode a cópiacopy noun DeclaraçãoDeclaration o depósitodeposit, tank, container, compartment disponíveisavailable o documentodocument DébitoDebit eletricidadeelectricity a empresacompany FaturaInvoice, receipt gestormanager, administrator a identificaçãoidentification ligarto call on the phone, connect, turn on morarto live, to reside mínimominimum nenhumnone(masculine) o passaportepassport pessoalPersonal precisarto need receberto receive, get, welcome O reciboThe receipt Recibo de vencimentoPaystub, pay slip residirto reside, live a residênciaresidence, residence hall SujeitaSubject to TitularHolder trabalharto work Usouse VencimentoSalary ÚnicaOnly, single, unique
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ClaroOf course ObrigadoThank you male speaker ObrigadaThank you female speaker Com certezaCertainly, Of course, Absolutely, Sure Muito bemVery well, All right, Well done Em que posso ajudá-la?How can I help you? speaking to woman Serve?Will that do?, Does that work? Assim que possívelAs soon as possible Para já, é sóThat's it for now
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A Distração Perfeita
Cais do Sodré
Estação de São Bento
Jantar em Casa do José
Viver Para Dar aos Outros
Vasco da Gama
Rita E Raquel Vão Ao Cinema
Memórias De Ontem
O Miguel Faz A Vontade À Gisela
Tratado de Tordesilhas


  • What is the use of aconselhar (to advise/suggest) versus sugerir (suggest) besides sugerir being a bit irregular (eu sugiro)? I’ll be using these with my pre-teen daughters who are a little behind me in Portuguese and with my wife and her family who are verbally fluent in Portuguese from lower Africa?

    • They’re pretty much synonyms when referring to giving suggestions or making recommendations. Aconselhar feels deeper than sugerir, though; it’s a stronger word. Apart from that, aconselhar also means giving advice in a sense that goes beyond simple suggestions and may even last indefinitely, as you’d see with a conselheiro (advisor, mentor), who offers guidance, counsel. As for sugerir, it can also be used in the sense of implying or denoting something.
      – O ministro aconselha o presidente em todas as suas decisões.
      – O tom de voz deles sugere frustração.

  • My husband and I are moving to Portugal and buying a house. We have a Santander account in the UK, so went to a Santander bank in Portugal to ask to open an account. We were told to get a tax code first, which we did, then the process took one and a half hours in the bank. We were asked dozens of questions, had to sign around 10 bits of paper. Then the pack of papers (3cm thick) were sent off. 2 weeks later, we have finally been told we have our account. If only it were as easy as this dialogue…

    • Haha, true! That’s Portuguese bureaucracy for you! 🙂

      Were there any particular questions you remember that were hard to figure out? We could add another bank episode in which more questions/problems come up…

    • One and a half hours? That’s great! I went to activo. It took 6 hours and there was almost riot outside the door where everyone was waiting. It was pure chaos!

  • We went into Santander in London and opened our account which was quite simple. They even issued/obtained our NIF numbers for us. Flew to Portugal to buy our property over a four day period. At the town hall we discovered the NIF numbers were both wrong! Their (antiquated) computers were down so could not amend the problem. I asked our lawyer what would happen if we couldn’t get the numbers corrected. Answer? Nothing.
    That was in December 2015 and it all worked out in the end. We have a 10 acre olive grove in the Alentejo (Castelo de Vide) and produce around 200 litres of the finest oil per year, which we sell at markets in East Sussex, where we live half the year. Love Portugal and love this site although Portuguese is one difficult language to learn!
    Hope it all ends up as well for you.

    • Thanks for your comment! And wow, glad to hear that the wrong NIFs weren’t too much of an issue in the end. Sounds like you’re having a great life in Alentejo 🙂 Hope this crazy Covid year isn’t making it too difficult for you to move between the two countries!

  • i find this sooo useful! i also have bought a little house near the coast in ALENTEXO and need a emprestimo to make a reform…( i am afraid i have fallen madly in love with the region) even being spanish as i am, portuguese is not as easy as i thought it would be, but from the moment i found Practice Portuguese every thing has changed!!!! i am advancing quite quickly and am so happy because now i can communicate in portuguese with my friendly neighbours.. i hated being the typical spaniard that doesn’t learn a word of portuguese because portuguese people ( they are really clever with languages) usually understand spanish quite well. Thank you Joel and Rui, your site is BRILLIANT ,USEFULL AN FUN!

    • Thank you so much, I’ll pass along your kind words to Joel and Rui! Congratulations on all of your progress! We’re always happy to hear that the site is making a real difference. Best of luck with your new home. 😊

  • Thanks a million for such a wonderful set of shorties! Not only they are extremely useful content-wise, they are also well-organized (with all the tags and level indications) and easy to use thanks to the transcription and translation available.
    It really amazing how much effort and thought you put into creating all this. THANK YOU!

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