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Por Quem Me Tomas?

Who Do You Take Me For?

Miguel has a short conversation with Bruna before heading to the grocery store. Notice how the preposition “por” is used in a variety of different contexts throughout their dialogue.

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  • 00:00:03Bruna: Oi, Miguel. Que bom ver-te por aqui em Leiria. Como estão os teus filhos?
  • 00:00:08Miguel: Olá, Bruna. Os meus filhos estão bem. O mais velho vai agora para a Inglaterra.
  • 00:00:14Bruna: Por quanto tempo?
  • 00:00:16Miguel: Seis meses. Vai para lá trabalhar.
  • 00:00:18Bruna: Ele não trabalha por conta própria?
  • 00:00:21Miguel: Agora não. Tem um patrão.
  • 00:00:23Bruna: Por onde anda ele agora?
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abertoOpen aindastill, yet, even apanharto take, catch, grab, pick up a autoestradahighway, freeway AutoestradaFreeway, highway o caminhothe way conduzirto drive, to lead DecertoSurely, by all means Despachar-seTo hurry up estrangeiroabroad, foreign fecharto close, shut InglaterraEngland maubad masc. sing. patrãoboss(male) a sorteluck tãoas, so, such a
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Por issoFor that reason, That's why, So, Therefore Já agoraBy the way, Speaking of which Agora nãoNot now, Not anymore Por quem me tomas?Who do you take me for?, Who do you think I am? Por que raioWhy the hell Por onde...?Which way...? Ter saudadesTo miss someone or something Por aquiAround here Trabalhar por conta própriaSelf-employed, Working for oneself passar por láto stop by there Por preocupaçãoOut of concern Por acasoBy chance, Incidentally, Actually, As a matter of fact Ainda bemI'm glad, Thank goodness, Just as well, Good thing Por enquantoFor now, For the time being Se calharPerhaps, Maybe
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A Distração Perfeita
Cais do Sodré
Estação de São Bento
Jantar em Casa do José
Viver Para Dar aos Outros
Vasco da Gama
Rita E Raquel Vão Ao Cinema
Memórias De Ontem
O Miguel Faz A Vontade À Gisela
Tratado de Tordesilhas


  • Oi, tenho dificuldade entender esta frase:
    “Por muito difícil que seja ele ir embora, é o melhor que tem a fazer…”
    Pode explicar-me como faz sentido?

    • Talvez ajude se eu traduzir a frase para o inglês parte por parte:
      Por muito difícil (As hard) que seja (as it is) ele (for him) ir (to go) embora (away), é (it is) o melhor (the best) que tem (he has) a fazer (to do). –> As hard as it is for him to go away, it’s the best thing he can do.

  • Por que é que o pronome as vezes é depois o verbo “anda”?
    Como é o caso em “Por onde anda ele agora?” e “… anda ela a dizer essas coisas”.

    • Olá, Mackenzie. A ordem das palavras muitas vezes não é fixa em português, por isso, há palavras que podem ser colocadas em diferentes posições nas frases sem que isso mude o significado, com uma ou outra exceção. Por onde (é que) anda ele agora? = Por onde (é que) ele anda agora? 🙂

  • Olá. Before I listened to this shortie I listened to one featuring Rui and understood everything. This one I found extremely difficult and was very discouraged Both are level A2. What is the criteria for the different levels? Surely this shortie should be level B1?

    • Sorry that this was discouraging! The levels are just as estimate, as the CEFR criteria is subjective and more focused on the overall communicative ability at different levels, rather than which specific concepts are known. (There may be a “Rui factor” here too — his voice is more clear than the average speaker, which makes his episodes feel easier. 🙃)

      We base our decisions on a combination of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (CEFR) guidelines, automatic tools, comparisons to when concepts are typically presented in different courses/books/etc, our own judgment, and user feedback.

      I agree that when you take it in as a whole, it might lean more towards B1.

      The reason we set it at A2 was because most of the concepts are covered in the A1/A2 units: prepositions, possessives, questions, numbers, time, adjectives, demonstratives, adverbs, etc., and it’s mostly in the present tense (presente do indicativo), with some instances of the simple past (pretérito perfeito). There are a few B1 concepts though: clitic pronouns, “seja” – presente do conjuntivo, and some less common vocabulary.

      That said, there’s a big difference between what is “covered” and what can be understood when it’s all put together in a dialogue. There is SO much to learn in A1 and A2 that it will take a long time to internalize. One A2 dialogue might be understood entirely, and another might serve a more specific function at first (i.e. just exploring how “por” is used in different ways, rather than fully grasping the whole thing). That’s a strong factor here: since the main focus of this episode is on the preposition “por”, and prepositions are such a major part of A2, keeping it A2 makes it more likely to be found by people working on the A2 units.

  • Olá Molly. Many thanks for your comprehensive answer. I agree there could be a ‘Rui’ factor as I do feel his dialogue easier to understand. I was disappointed that I couldn’t understand hardly anything Natacha said. I understood the words when I read the transcript but its the way she speaks that throws me. Hopefully that will come with more listening practise! 😊

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