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Queres Vir Cá Jantar?

Want To Come Over For Dinner?

Ana and João meet unexpectedly in the park and make plans to catch up later that day.

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  • 00:00:03Ana: João, és tu?
  • 00:00:05João: Olá, Ana!
  • 00:00:06Sou eu, sim.
  • 00:00:08Tudo bem?
  • 00:00:09Ana: Tudo!
  • 00:00:10E contigo?
  • 00:00:12João: Tudo bem.
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agoranow alithere far away, but in sight CasaHouse, home a comidafood conversarto talk, chat, converse convidarto invite cozinharto cook o cãodog CãozinhoPuppy, doggy (diminutive) demorarto take time, last, linger depoislater, then, after fazerto do, to make fofocute sing.,masc. a garrafabottle a ideiaidea jantarto dine, to have dinner masbut As orelhasThe ears verto see, to look, to watch o vinhowine virto come a árvoretree
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mais tardelater ao lado denext to Há tanto tempoFor so long, It's been so long Passear o cãoWalk the dog Tenho saudades tuasI miss you sing.,inf. Até já!See you soon! Tudo bem?How's it going?, What's up?, All is well?, How are you? pôr a conversa em diato catch up, to put the conversation "up to date" ProntoReady, Okay, All right, That's it Tudo bemI'm good, Everything's good
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Aprender uma Nova Língua
O Delicioso Pastel de Nata
Passeio De Domingo
O Diário da Beatriz
Gostos Semelhantes
Um Passeio Estragado
À Procura de um Apartamento
Uma Série de Perguntas
Dois Pais à Conversa
Uma Ida à Boutique


  • I’d like to know please about the expression tenho saudades tuas. This looks like i have your longing but translates as i miss you. Why does saudades use the possessive pronoun?

    • Olá! It’s a good question, but I’m not sure I have a good answer for that. It’s just how the language evolved. ‘Saudades’ is almost like something that we leave behind for people to hold on to (which is why we also say, for example, “Ele deixou saudades”, which literally means he left longing — he’s missed). If you think of it like that, using possessives makes sense. But this is just me trying to be poetic! 🙂

  • Hi, why do you say “depois vejo-te em minha casa”
    And not “… na minha”?
    Doesn’t the possessive pronoun always come with the article?

    • Olá, Frank. With the noun “casa”, there is flexibility regarding the addition or exclusion of the definite article “a” (remember that na = em + a). This is an example. You can say both “fora de” or “fora da”, just like you can say “em minha casa” or “na minha casa”. This mostly applies when you’re talking about home and we often omit the article then. If you were talking about any random house, you would likely use the definite article.

    • Sure. The full expression (and you have to say all of it for it to make sense) is “pôr a conversa em dia”. “Pôr [X] em dia” means “Bring [X] up to date”. So, you can apply it to conversations, as in this dialogue, but also to other things. You can also just say “Temos de conversar”, but it might be interpreted as a request for a more serious conversation: it’s more of a “We need to talk” than “We need to catch up”.

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