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Uma Cena Muito Triste

A Very Sad Scene

Flustered after an eventful bus ride, Dona Ana shares what happened with Sr. Alberto.

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  • 00:00:01Dona Ana: Senhor Alberto, como está?
  • 00:00:04Senhor Alberto: Muito bem, Dona Ana.
  • 00:00:06E a senhora?
  • 00:00:07Dona Ana: Estou bem.
  • 00:00:09Mas vi uma cena triste no autocarro.
  • 00:00:12Senhor Alberto: Aquele que acabou de passar?
  • 00:00:14Dona Ana: Sim, o que vai para o aeroporto.
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acalmar-seto calm oneself down o aeroportoairport atrasadolate, delayed sing.,masc. atrásbehind, back o autocarrobus o aviãoairplane a bagagemluggage o bilheteticket a cenathing, stuff, scene (literal) cheiafull sing.,fem. coitadopoor thing comboiostrains o destinodestination desviodetour o elétricotram encontradofound entregarto deliver, submit estaçãostation a estradaroad estrangeiroabroad, foreign a grevestrike noun gritarto shout, to scream o horárioschedule IdosaElderly o lugarplace, seat malassuitcases, luggage, bags o meiothe middle o motoristadriver masc. nuncanever ParadoStopped a paragemstop e.g. bus stop a partidadeparture o percursoroute, path, journey perderto lose, miss, waste o porãocargo hold a reservareservation ricarichfem. simpáticonice taxistastaxi drivers tristesad vergonhashame, embarrassment
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Que tristeHow sad ao lado denext to De repentesuddenly Ainda por cimaOn top of that, Moreover É a vidaSuch is life, That's life Uns ganham, uns perdemSome win, some lose Junto aNext to, beside, alongside, near
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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • What does you say at the end? Sobe no a cabeça – or something like that. I can’t understand just that bit.

  • Wow – that was quick! Thank you very much, Molly. Neither I could catch that, nor could the Google automatic translation tool do it. Much appreciated!
    Take care!

  • Difficult to follow the story – especially with only one person talking. I even used the translate function but lost track of what actually happened.

    • Thanks for the feedback on this! We’ll keep it in mind for future episodes. I think you’re right that with the rambling way this story unfolds, it would be a little hard to follow in any language!

  • I enjoyed this story – it introduces a lot of vocabulary and caught a personality and tone. I found it fast with a lot of vocabulary, and I appreciated it a lot. I am trying to understand more of what I hear and I believe these stories are helping a lot. Sometimes I actually understand when people talk to me – but still not as often as I would like.

  • I noticed that at 2:15 you use “você” to refer to the senhora. Aren’t we supposed to avoid that in European Portuguese these days? Thanks.

    • ‘Você’ can be used selectively without insult, but it’s not so easy to develop an understanding of which contexts or people (since it also depends on personal sensitivities) allow for it, so to keep it safe, we do recommend avoiding it in general. In the context of this dialogue, ‘você’ is acceptable by the fact that it’s a casual conversation between two people who know each other well enough and are presumably around the same age bracket 🙂

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