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À Caça Dos Feriados

Hunting for Holidays

Always looking for ways to escape school, Maria and Pedro figure out how many public holidays there are in the academic year. Listen for Portuguese vocabulary related to dates, such as days of the week and months of the year.

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  • 00:00:03Maria: Este ano, dois feriados do mês de dezembro são à sexta-feira.
  • 00:00:08Dois fins de semana prolongados!
  • 00:00:12Pedro: E o dia de Natal?
  • 00:00:13Maria: É na segunda-feira.
  • 00:00:15Mas nós temos as férias de Natal,
  • 00:00:18por isso, esse não é relevante.
  • 00:00:20Pedro: Pois.
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acabarto end, finish O almoçolunch amanhãtomorrow o aniversárioanniversary, birthday antesbefore a aulaclass, lesson, lecture bemwell o calendáriocalendar CarnavalCarnival (holiday) caçahunt noun curtoshort, low descansarto rest dezembroDecember o diaday O feriadoholiday (usually official, statutory) as festasparties fevereiroFebruary horahour inteirowhole, entire, complete junhoJune o mundoworld o mêsthe month o NatalChristmas ouor a pausabreak, pause perdidolost sing.,masc. ProlongadosExtended, prolonged pl. masc. segunda-feiraMonday sexta-feiraFriday sábadoSaturday Look (informal command)
Premium Feature: Smart Review

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Fazer anosto have a birthday Dia de PortugalPortugal Day, a national holiday commemorating the death of poet Luís de Camões Que penaToo bad, What a shame o fim de semanaweekend
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With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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A Distração Perfeita
Cais do Sodré
Estação de São Bento
Jantar em Casa do José
Viver Para Dar aos Outros
Vasco da Gama
Rita E Raquel Vão Ao Cinema
Memórias De Ontem
O Miguel Faz A Vontade À Gisela
Tratado de Tordesilhas


  • Hi, I found it very difficult to catch what they are saying… as I findthat they speak very quickly but I know that’s the normal speed of conversation.I guess I’ll just ha etc keep listening and get used to it.
    Thank you,

    • Yes unfortunately most real speech is quite fast! But you’re right. If you keep listening it will get easier over time. One thing that can help is to click the speedometer icon and change the speed to 0.8x or 0.9x. That will slow it down slightly for you without distorting the sound too much.

  • As much as the speed is a factor, not really knowing all the words being used is for me the bigger issue. I catch bits and pieces of dialog, but the meaning is lost because I just don’t recognize many of the words. That will hopefully improve with time.

    • It should improve over time as you gradually pick up more vocabulary. And learning vocabulary in context like this can be very effective. With some of the more specific episodes, sometimes it’s a good idea to review the vocabulary/expressions sections for a bit before playing the episode.

  • Was just reading through the vocabulary list now before listening to the shorty. I think it would probably be easier for us to be cued on which words are infinitive verbs (as opposed to the nouns in the list) if instead of saying only the main word, you could add “to” as in, “to rest” for descansar or “to finish” for acabar.
    Just a suggestion. Really enjoying my Portuguese language learning journey with you and your platform!

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