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As Manhãs do Tiago

Tiago's Mornings

Tiago makes his father’s life difficult as he gets ready for school in the morning. Hugo finally finds a way of motivating him to cooperate.

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  • 00:00:02Hugo: Tiago, veste-te rápido.
  • 00:00:04Tens de ir para a escola.
  • 00:00:07Tiago: Eu estou cansado, quero dormir mais…
  • 00:00:12Hugo: Todos os dias a mesma coisa.
  • 00:00:14Se tu queres dormir mais, podes deitar-te mais cedo.
  • 00:00:19Mas eu não te posso acordar mais tarde.
  • 00:00:22Tiago: Podes não me acordar.
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acordarto wake up cansadotired cedoearly cicatrizscar curadomatured, cured deitar-seto lie down, go to bed os desenhos animadoscartoons doentesick dormirto sleep a escolaschool internarto intern, admit, hospitalize mesmasame o médicodoctor masc. operarto operate PresaStuck professorateacher(female) O restoThe rest rápidoquickly vestir-seto dress oneself vidalife
Premium Feature: Smart Review

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a horason time o trânsitotraffic Sinto-me doenteI feel sick Se calharPerhaps, Maybe
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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A Distração Perfeita
Cais do Sodré
Estação de São Bento
Jantar em Casa do José
Viver Para Dar aos Outros
Vasco da Gama
Rita E Raquel Vão Ao Cinema
Memórias De Ontem
O Miguel Faz A Vontade À Gisela
Tratado de Tordesilhas


  • Hi, thanks for the great dialogues.
    I don’t quite get why it’s “Ela já me disse que vive longe.” I would have thought that the first half of the sentence is a simple affirmative clause and therefore it would have to be “Ela já disse-me que vive longe.” Is it because of the “já”?
    And instead of “Bem me pareceu” I suppose you can also say “Pareceu-me bem”. It’s just a question of emphasis, right? And when the bem is placed first, the clitic also changes. Correct? Is that maybe the case with the first sentence as well. Would it be “Ela disse-me já que vive longe.” Would the sentence change if the já came after the verb?
    It would be great if someone could explain this.
    Thanks and keep up the great work.

    • Olá, Miriam, e obrigado pelo comentário!
      1) Like you said, it’s the adverb “já” that pulls the clitic pronoun to the proclitic position (before the verb). Certain words have this attractive force and constitute exceptions to the general rule of thumb that simple affirmative clauses = enclitic placement (after the verb). Changing the word order here would make it sound pretty awkward, but your proposed alternative is grammatically correct: Ela disse-me, já, que vive longe.

      2) “Bem me pareceu” (I thought so) is an idiom that you can’t flip to “Pareceu-me bem” (It seemed well to me), as they mean different things. But your analysis of both sentences is correct; in the former, “bem” pulls the clitic to the front of the verb, which doesn’t happen in the latter 🙂

  • Olá Joseph, thanks so much for the detailed explanation. It’s a bit tricky, but I think I get it now and hopefully I’ll get used to it with practice.

  • How cute Tiago is!!
    In the dialogue above, can the sentence “Tu levas-me a horas, mas depois a professora se atrasa.” replace “Tu levas-me a horas, mas depois é a professora que se atrasa.”?

  • Hi Team,

    The sentence ‘Tenho de te levar a horas.’, what is drawing the clitic ‘te’ before the verb? Can it not also be ‘Tenho de levar-te a horas.’?

    Boas Festas a tudo!

    • Olá, Cameron. The preposition ‘de’ is what attracts the clitic pronoun. In this case, with an infitinive verb, it’s acceptable to place the pronoun on either side of it, so your suggestion is also fine 🙂 Boas Festas! (a/para todos*, não a tudo)

  • Olá. Porque é que o Hugo diz, “Vá, prepara-te”? Neste caso, parece-me que o Hugo está a usar o formal do imperativo com “Vá” e o informal do imperativo com “prepara-te”. Causa uma confusão para mim. Achei que diria, “Vai, prepara-te” para manter o mesmo tempo verbal pela frase inteira, não é? Obrigado pela ajuda!

    • Olá, Kyle. Neste contexto, deves interpretar a palavra “Vá” como uma interjeição e não como um verbo 🙂 É como dizer “Okay” ou “All right”. A palavra “Vá” não é dirigida diretamente ao Tiago, mas a palavra “prepara-te” sim. De qualquer forma, também seria aceitável dizer “Vai, prepara-te”.

  • Boa tarde, what draws the “te” before “internar”, in the sentence “eu vou dizer-lhe como te sentes e pedir-lhe para te internar a semana toda.”?

    • Olá! The word “para” is the one attracting the pronoun “te” 🙂 Note how “pedir-lhe”, which comes before “para”, follows the default placement because it’s not under another word’s influence.

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