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No Copo De Água

At The Wedding Reception

Mónica attends an old friend’s wedding reception and has a quick chat with the father of the bride.

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  • 00:00:03Mónica: Olá, Sr. Fernando. Como está?
  • 00:00:06Sr. Fernando: Olá. Estou bem, obrigado. Como está?
  • 00:00:09Mónica: Eu estou bem, obrigada. Eu sou a Mónica… lembra-se de mim?
  • 00:00:14Sr. Fernando: Vai desculpar-me, mas não estou a ver quem é…
  • 00:00:18Mónica: Sou a filha do Rogério e da Noémia.
  • 00:00:21Sr. Fernando: Ah, a Mónica! Sei perfeitamente! Bem… estás uma mulher!
  • 00:00:27Mónica: Já não nos vemos há muitos anos.
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a cerimóniaceremony chorarto cry desculparto excuse divertir-seto have fun, to enjoy oneself incomodarto bother, inconvenience, disturb, trouble InfelizmenteUnfortunately lembrar-seto remember o liceuHigh school MaquilhagemMake-up a noivathe bride retocarto touch up
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Há muitos anosFor many years, Many years ago o Copo de Águawedding reception, party with a light meal after an event, literal - cup of water Diverte-te!Have fun!, Enjoy yourself! sing.,inf.
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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • Hello! The sentence “Já não nos vemos há muitos anos” is difficult for me as a French. If i wanted to say it with the same meaning, i’d rather say “ja (sorry for the accent) não nos vemos durante muitos anos” Would it be correct to say that? If not, is it because the preterit tense is used? Please explain, thanks

    • Hi! 🙂 I think changing the word order will help you understand it better:
      – Há muitos anos que já não nos vemos = Ça fait des années qu’on ne se voit plus

      “Durante” is not interchangeable here. To use it, you would have to slightly change the sentence and its meaning to “Não nos vimos durante muitos anos” – “On ne s’est pas vu pendant des années” (note the past tense). This sentence only applies if you have already seen the person again, while the previous sentence could also be used when you still haven’t seen the person.

      • Thank you so much. I understand much better now. I was confused by the words order. And I understand now the subtle difference between the use of há or durante. Thanks again

  • Hi, I really like this shortie, full of useful interactions – formal becoming informal between people of different ages. But I’m struggling with the sentence “A minha mulher ainda não parou de chorar.” I thought the preterite was used for completed actions in the past, but this obviously gives a subtle nuance which I would like to know more about. Is the key factor the use of the word Ainda?
    Many thanks

    • Olá! Thanks for your comment.

      It’s not just the word ‘ainda’, but also, and most importantly, the word ‘não’ (no/not). If the sentence were affirmative, it would indeed refer to a completed action in the past: A minha mulher parou de chorar (My wife stopped crying). But as a negative sentence, that hypothesis is denied. On top of that, the word ‘ainda’ confirms that the action is still ongoing at the present time: A minha mulher ainda não parou de chorar (My wife still hasn’t stopped crying).

  • Where Sr. Fernando says mas “não estou a ver quem é…” , would it sound harsh or impolite to instead say: “mas eu não me lembro quem você é”

    • Olá Tatiana!
      Precisely as you said, it would sound harsh/impolite. A bit too straightforward! Although not incorrect!
      Also, if you’d put it like that it wouldn’t be nice to say “você”. You could just drop the “você” or you could change it for “a menina” (Miss) or “a senhora” (Madam) or even “a Mónica” (since she was introducing herself) so it would be more polite: “Vai desculpar-me, mas não me lembro quem é.” (“You will excuse me, but I don’t remember who you are.”) or “Vai desculpar-me, mas não me lembro quem a menina/senhora/Mónica é.” (You will excuse me, but I don’t remember who you are, Miss/Madam/Mónica.”).

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