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A Nova Casa do Marco – Parte 2

Marco's New Home - Part 2

Marco completes the tour by talking about some characteristics of his house.

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  • 00:00:01Diogo: O que eu mais gosto na tua casa
  • 00:00:04é que as janelas são grandes e deixam entrar
  • 00:00:08muita luz natural.
  • 00:00:10Marco: Sim.
  • 00:00:11Mas pode ser um problema quando estou a trabalhar
  • 00:00:14no portátil, na secretária do meu quarto
  • 00:00:16ou na sala.
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Acenderto light, ignite, turn on apagarto turn off, put out, extinguish, delete aquecimentoheating, warming-up barbearto shave brilhantebrilliant, bright, shiny CamaBed Os candeeirosThe lamps a casa de banhobathroom a coisaThing os cortinadoscurtains a decoraçãodecoration deixarto let, to allow, to leave something demorarto take time, last, linger entrarto enter excetoexcept faltalack fecharto close, shut fotografiasphotographs IguaisEqual, same, alike o interruptorlight switch o invernowinter as janelaswindows ligarto call on the phone, connect, turn on a luzLight LâmpadasLight bulbs máquinamachine a máquina de barbearelectric razor os paisparents a paredewall a portadoor Portátillaptop quadrospictures, frames, paintings QuartoRoom, bedroom sairto leave, go out, exit salaroom, living room Secador de cabeloHair dryer a secretáriadesk a televisãotelevision a tomadapower socket
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às vezessometimes Junto aNext to, beside, alongside, near
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With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • Hi Rui and Joel

    I’m a good few weeks in to Practice Portuguese now, and it’s helping me so much! I find it so user friendly and the content is very entertaining. Keep up the good work!

    Best wishes

  • I am finding it very good. One suggestion would be to have a new vocabulary page with each new section. I have started to write the new words down on a pad, but a reference page would be helpful.

  • Thanks Barak, you’re right. It says “e outro junto à cama”, instead of “e um junto à cama”. We’ll make the change!

  • In Lesson 1 there is the phrase “O pátio precisa de ser limpo”. My Spanish sensibilities may be messing me up here. Since limpo is an adjective describing a condition, if feels like the verb should be estar. Then again the English translation is “…cleaned.” So, ser would be part of a passive construction…but then I would want to say “…precisa de ser limpado”. Is there some strangeness about the word “limpo” in particular that makes its past participle look/feel like an adjective? Or is there a more general principle that I’m missing? Thanks!

    • Olá! The verb limpar has two past participle forms:
      – Regular: limpado
      – Irregular: limpo

      Regular past participles are used with the auxiliary verb ter to form compound verb tenses, e.g. past perfect. But to form the passive voice, we use irregular past participles with the auxiliary verb ser. That’s why we have “ser limpo” (correct) and not “ser limpado” (incorrect). This Learning Note covers this topic in more detail: Double Past Participles

  • very funny!! This one made me LOL🤣The image that arises when Marco says:”Não consigo ligar o secador de cabelo e a máquina de barbear ao mesmo tempo..” 😂 That guy is a real multitasker!!!

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