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Ida ao Talho

Going to the Butcher's Shop

Follow Anabela as she orders various cuts of meat from the butcher.

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  • 00:00:03Empregado: Número cinquenta e dois?
  • 00:00:05Anabela: Sou eu!
  • 00:00:06Empregado: Boa tarde. Posso ajudá-la?
  • 00:00:09Anabela: Boa tarde. Quero quinhentos gramas de peitos de frango e quinhentos gramas de bifes de peru.
  • 00:00:16Empregado: Os peitos de frango… podem ser estes aqui?
  • 00:00:20Anabela: Consegue tirar-me essas partes com gordura?
  • 00:00:23Empregado: Claro.
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arrependerto regret, repent o bifesteak a carnemeat CinquentaFifty os cogumelosmushrooms confiarto trust o cortecut noun espetadaskebabs, skewers of meat FininhosThin (diminutive) a gordurafat noun gramasgrams grelharto grill o grupogroup IdaOuting, departure, trip o númeronumber PartesParts Peitos de frangoChicken breasts o peruturkey picadaminced o pimentobell pepper porcopork quinhentos500 receberto receive, get, welcome Recheadosstuffed Rolo de carneMeatloaf o sacobag separarto separate setecentos700 o talhobutcher shop tirarTo take, take off, remove vitelaveal
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Com certezaCertainly, Of course, Absolutely, Sure Quantos?How many?(masc.) Pode ser?Is that okay? Literal - Can it be? Sem problemaNo problem Ter muito bom aspetoLook very good Dê-meGive me CertíssimoOf course, Certainly (superlative - "very certain") está tudoThat's it, That's all Continuação de bom trabalho!Keep up the good work! Mais alguma coisaAnything else Posso ajudá-la?Can I help you? (speaking to woman) Têm muita saídaIt's a top selling product (Literally - They have a lot of output) Levo doisI'll take two Sou euIt's me, That's me
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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • Hi and thanks for our daily, essential taste of Portuguese. Two points. Firstly, my early attempts to buy ‘quinhentos gramas’ from my local markets and shops left the staff bemused. Until somebody whispered in my ear ‘Ask for um meio quilo’, and I’ve had no problems since. Secondly, referring to one of your earlier podcasts ‘ quero’ is seen as a little abrupt compared to ‘queria’, so is Anabela not setting us a great example? Keep them coming guys; very much appreciated.

    • Hi, Jonathan. That’s odd; I wouldn’t think that anyone would care about “quinhentos gramas” vs. “meio quilo”, even though it’s true that the latter is shorter and more practical. “Meio quilo” is also much easier to pronounce, so maybe that’s what they wanted to help you with. Honestly, no idea – maybe I need to buy 500g of stuff more often!

      “Quero” can sound a bit blunt for some people, yes, but body language and tone also play a big part in how it’s taken. It’s not a bad word per se. Also, by saying “quero” instead of “queria”, there’s the bonus of avoiding the most overused joke ever in these situations: “Queria? Já não quer?” 🙂 Adding a “por favor”/”se faz favor” is always a good idea, and that might be Anabela’s biggest fault.

  • Thanks Joseph. And yes, my early pronunciation of words like quinhentos was truly tragic (and probably still is) so bemused looks from market traders is par for the course. Anyway, you must be pleased that someone refers to your earlier podcasts. Finally, playing with words, I notice that, the traditional British fox-hunting call, for when the fox (or prey) is sighted; ‘tally-ho’, is remarkably similar to talho. I need to get out more (after lockdown).

    • Well, that would explain it (your pronunciation!), hah. Hopefully, we’ll all be able to get back out there soon and shout ‘talho’ to the foxes of this world 🙂

  • Perfect. I can see myself smashing the butchers section at the supermarket in Almancil.

    Next shorty: at the golf club? (yes I am a Portuguese tourist cliché)

  • Olá, boa tarde.
    Tenho algumas dúvidas.
    Como é que se diz “slice”, “mince”, “shred”, “chop”, “dice” em português.
    Se eu pedir ao empregado de talho a cortar a carne em pedaço.
    Posso dizer como assim: corte esses carnes em pedaços, se faz favor .

    • Olá! Podes pedir “corte essa carne em pedaços, se faz favor”. Mas é possível que peçam mais detalhes. Por exemplo, a carne pode ser picada (minced/ground), desfiada (shredded), cortada em bifes/bifanas (steak – sliced meat), cortada em cubos (cubes), etc. Basta dizeres o que pretendes 🙂

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