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As Crianças e os Adultos

Children and Adults

With his mother’s patient help, Tiago learns about the basics of men, women, children and adults.

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  • 00:00:01Tiago: Mãe, tu e o pai são diferentes!
  • 00:00:06Patrícia: Sim.
  • 00:00:07Eu sou uma mulher e ele é um homem.
  • 00:00:11Tiago: Não, tu és uma menina!
  • 00:00:14Patrícia: Sim, eu sou uma menina, uma menina adulta.
  • 00:00:20As meninas adultas são mulheres.
  • 00:00:23Tiago: E eu?
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Premium Feature: Episode Quizzes

With a Premium Subscription, you can take episode quizzes to challenge your comprehension skills and track your progress!

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o adultoadult beberto drink comerto eat ComoLike, as, such as criançaschildren EleHe EuI, me HomemMan MeninaMiss, young lady meninagirl o meninothe boy muitovery, a lot, much a mulherwoman, wife mãemother paifather porquebecause SimYes o sumojuice TuYou sing.,inf. o vinhowine VocêsYou pl.
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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Panquecas e Pedras
À Conversa no Supermercado
Aprender uma Nova Língua
O Delicioso Pastel de Nata
Passeio De Domingo
O Diário da Beatriz
Gostos Semelhantes
Um Passeio Estragado
À Procura de um Apartamento
Queres Vir Cá Jantar?


  • Obrigada pela nova lição!

    I am new to the site. I tried listening to the easiest dialogues, but they were still too hard for me to follow. The new one is just the right difficulty for a beginner like me, and covers the Lesson 1 material well.

    Thank you for the new content 🙂

    • I agree. I need to practice listening comprehension and this is a good level for beginners. We need short, basic dialogues that we can listen to and feel successful instead of overwhelmed lol – and they are hard to find! This one is just right. And thanks for having the option to slow it down even more 😉

  • That’s graet, this extra videos!!!
    I love this cours allready, I’m determend to speak’ a poco Portugues, in the future… !

  • This first dialogue is great – even though I only achieved 50% 🙁
    I think I will need lots at this level to become confident when listening.
    Thank you

  • New dialogue after lesson one is excellent. I had problems keeping up with the previous ones ( even the easiest)
    . This is just right for me

  • Hi!! It’s Lynn actually. It would be great to be able to hear the questions as well as reading them.

    • Good to see you Lynn! 🙂 Good idea, I’ve added this to our list of features to add in the future!

  • So easy to understand when you speak Spanish… But SO difficult to remember and pronounce properly!!!

  • What a great way to learn Portuguese through Practice Portuguese!
    Unit 1 looked simple in the beginning, but the listening at the end was quite tough. Though it is a very good way to learn!

  • Love it! I have been learning Portuguese for some time but still have great difficulty in understanding speech. This is great. And I was so pleased to find I could understand it without reading the transcription. Thank you!

  • I’ve just returned to the fold, and I love these new shorter more basic recordings. I was overwhelmed and disheartened by the longer recordings. Thank you

  • It appears that both “O que é que” and the simpler “O que” are used in the quiz questions
    (By the way that’s a great new feature you’ve added since I joined way back)
    Is there a simple explanation for when to use the lengthy/short useage?

  • I was able to follow along, without the translation even at double speed. I like the idea of the quiz questions, learned some new vocabulary.
    I was expecting to be directed to the next step (lesson) to continue my progress and am wondering why not?


    • Thank you for your message, Anthony 🙂 Also, you can now move to the next lesson right after completing the quiz. It wasn’t working before, but our programmer did his usual magic and sorted it out. Sorry for the inconvenience!

  • I agree, I am very very new and I think the easiest is too hard for me still, this was just right, I hope to see some for lesson materials we covered and true beginners as well.

    • Olá, Alan. You should be taken to the next page right after completing the quiz. If you don’t want to have to do the quiz, you can also open the main Units page from the top menu (Learn > Units) and choose where to go from there. If none of this works (or if I misunderstood the problem), shoot us a support ticket via https://www.practiceportuguese.com/contact/ and we will try to troubleshoot this with you.

  • Finally a way to learn real Portuguese! The program is fun and easy to do on your smartphone. And I love your podcasts! Thank you so much!!!

  • Thank you for the most wonderful basic conversation exercise. However, I have a small doubt. The quiz consisted of question wherein I wasn’t aware of many words. I still got a 100% score because i understood the keywords. Any place where I can find the literal translation for the questions? example: quem. Thank you very very much for these wonderful lessons!

    • Thanks for your message! “Quem” means “who”. With the quiz questions, we do often include extra words that you have not seen before so that you can learn by trying to guess the meaning. So you did it exactly right! You used the keywords you knew to help yourself find the answer. We think this is a good way to challenge yourself and “fill in the gaps” with your vocabulary in a more natural way. Then, as you work through future lessons, you will already be a little bit familiar with these other words and grammatical forms. We are considering adding translations for the questions in the future, though. Glad to hear you’re enjoying the lessons!

  • Oh wow I love these conversation modules. I went back to the very beginning of the course is because it been a while since I had visited Portugal and because my children are now taking the lessons with me I really love how you guys have grown I agree it would be great to have audio for the questions mostly because I am visually impaired and listening to my English screen reader read Portuguese is torturous but also it would be nice to hear the pronunciation for those words that haven’t been in the lessons before I think it might be nice for absolute beginners to have an English translation of the question but it should definitely be something that is invisible first and requires you to press a button that way people can challenge themselves as to what they think the translation is and then reveal for confirmation As usual spot on and completely amazing thank you so very much this really is the only quality European Portuguese resource I have found

    • Thanks so much Michelle! We really appreciate your support and your kind message. It’s so nice that you and your children can all learn together. 🙂 Adding audio and translations to the questions is a great suggestion and I’ve added it to our list. Thanks for the feedback!

  • I enjoyed unit 1 and especially this dialogue. I’ve been trying to learn European Portuguese from last 2 years. I used to listen to the Practice Portuguese podcasts and learn some vocabulary from memrise. I liked that the quiz had extra words and it makes you think the meaning of the words in context of the question. Looking forward to progressing and improving my Portuguese.

  • It would be great if you could add pronunciation to the vocabulary section but I highly enjoyed the whole unit.

    • We have a video here that is an in depth look at vowels and it gets into the accents a bit: https://www.practiceportuguese.com/videos/vowels/. We are also working on an Alphabet section, which will cover the accented letters, but it’s not quite ready yet! In the meantime, these accents ` ´ tells you it’s an open vowel. This accent ˆ tells you it’s a medium vowel. The ç is pronounced like “s”. The ˜ tells you that it’s nasalized. I hope that helps get you started!

  • Eu tenho estudado Português durante dois anos, mais o meu primeiro professor era Brasileiro e por isso eu ainda tenho dificuldade em perceber o Português do Portugal! Practice Portuguese é muito boa, e eu tenho certeza que se eu pratico muito come este site, eu puder perceber tudo!

    • A pronúncia dos portugueses e dos brasileiros é muito diferente 🙂 Mas acredito que podes fazer muitos progressos!

  • I got lost at the quiz – lots of questions and words I didn’t see in the first unit so I didn’t know what was being asked. If they could be translated after answering the questions, that would be VERY helpful. The dialogue was very good, only a few new things but they’re highlighted to remember!

    • Thanks for the feedback Shannon! Adding translations for the quizzes is definitely something we’re considering. We’re a little bit torn because we also think the quizzes are a good opportunity to “stretch” your knowledge and try to fill in the gaps between what you have and haven’t learned yet. It’s sort of like real life where you may only understand some of the words you hear. Without the translation to fall back on, it forces you to attempt to figure out the meaning yourself. That said, we want it to be challenging, but not overly frustrating, so it’s helpful to know your thoughts!

  • I am so happy I found this site! I believe this is the first Portuguese conversation that I understood everything! You guys are brilliant!!! I’m hooked and I can’t wait to strengthen my skills!!! Multi Obrigado!

  • Quick question… Duolingo taught me “menino” for boy, but a European dictionary informed me to use “Rapaz” (cognate of ragazzo in Italian). I assumed menino is more commonly used in Brazil, but perhaps not. Is there are a subtle difference between the two? and which would you recommend to sound more “normal”?

    • Olá, Tom. Both “rapaz” and “menino” are well in use in Portugal 🙂 The choice between them has mostly to do with the age of the boy. While “rapaz” can be used very broadly, for children, teenagers and even young adults, “menino” is typically reserved for babies and children. So, use both, but selectively.

  • Not very happy with the quiz. Unless I have missed something some of the words in the questions have not been covered…I had to keep going to Google translate to understand the questions…and also some make no sense in relation to the dialogue.

    However the idea of the audio is a good one.

    • Thanks so much for the feedback! We will try to work on simplifying the quizzes for these early level Shorties.

      You are right that some of the words have not been covered. This is intentional to some extent. We want to give you authentic sounding dialogues and questions, but it would be too overwhelming to cover that many concepts at this early stage.

      So, we tried to set it up as a challenge: using the words you DO know, can you determine the meanings of any of the words you haven’t learned? Or can you guess the main idea of the question or sentence? This is similar to how you would experience a conversation in real life: trying to fill in the gaps by building off of your existing knowledge. This process of deliberate problem-solving is a very effective way to learn.

      That said, we want to challenge you, but not drive you crazy! So if the context is not helping and you feel like you have to look up every word, we should do more to simplify. 🙂

  • Hello…..loving this so far !

    Two suggestions though ….. for the Vocab tab on the quiz….. any chance you could provide a download for this like you do for the dialogue as a pdf ? …or just add it into the PDF in the downloads section ? I keep a list of vocab as I learn and create Anki flashcards as well as using your quiz system so having it in an easy to use format would be great !

    Also .. have you considered putting genders in with the vocab list where relevant ? For me it would be easier to learn the gender of a word at the same time that I learn the word. So instead of “Sumo : Juice ” it could be : “(o) Sumo : Juice”….. instead of “Mulher: Woman” it could be “(a) Mulher : Woman”…..etc. I know those two are kinda obvious but I guess that there are plenty coming up that are not !

    Maybe for verbs put a tag at the end (regular / irregular) as well ?

    Just some thoughts ! Very impressed with the course so far by the way 🙂

    • Great ideas, thank you! I’ll add the vocab pdf suggestion to our list and the 2nd one is in the works. We are currently working on a way to include other info like gender/tense/etc so you can see that when reviewing the vocab. Thanks for your thoughts! Glad you’re enjoying the course! 🙂

  • Is it expected that by this point in the lessons we should be able to listen to this dialog and understand what is being said? I was able to get the gist of it, but I had to listen to the audio while following the text to fully understand it, and I still had to plug in some parts into a translator to be 100% sure. The questions in the quiz were more difficult. I guessed some but in general I had to use a translator to make sure I understood. I do appreciate that it’s hard to craft meaningful questions without using more complex language than we’ve already learned.

    • If you were able to get the gist of it, then you’re doing great! That is what we would expect — that you can understand some, but not all of it. The idea is to take what you learned and “stretch” it a bit as a challenge, and to better match more realistic language.

      Keep in mind that for the transcript you can toggle the “translate” button on so that you don’t have to plug that part into a translator. As for the quiz, the idea is to “fill in the gaps” between what you know and don’t know, in order to understand what is being asked. (Similar to what you would do in a real life conversation that is a bit above your level.) We are considering adding optional translations to this section, though. It’s meant to be a challenge, but we don’t want it to feel impossible, so your feedback is helpful for us to re-evaluate and adjust as needed.

  • Can you help me understand the difference between como as in, Eu como (I eat) and como as in (like to). Obrigada

    • They look and sound the same, so the main way to tell the difference is just from context. Como can mean “I eat” as a verb, “like” / “as” as a conjunction, or “how” / “what” as an adverb (often within questions).

      The context usually makes it very clear which one is used. For example, if you hear “eu como muito!” you would know it’s “I eat a lot!” because “I as a lot!” or “I how a lot!” doesn’t make any sense. You know there has to be a verb there, not a conjunction or an adverb.

      Let me know if I can clarify further. 🙂

  • The dialogue would be easier to follow and learn if it paused after each line. We were trying to digest the first line and the next line was spoken breaking concentration and understanding. It would be good if there was a button to select one line speaking (and translation) at a time. We like to have a go at translating and then get the correct one after we have done a line ourselves, but clicking translation brings the translation for every line. Great course though, we are learning so much thankyou!

    • Thanks for the feedback on this! One thing that might help a little bit is to hit the space bar to pause the audio right after a line is spoken. Then you can hit it again when you’re ready to continue. I’ll pass along your ideas. 🙂

    • If you’re coming to this episode from a unit, there’s a “What’s Next” button that should come up after you complete the quiz. It shows your score and if you scroll down a bit you’ll see the button to continue.

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