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Uma Consulta no Médico

A Doctor's Appointment

Dona Assunção has an appointment with her doctor. Some of her complaints are easier to manage than others!

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  • 00:00:03Assunção: Ora muito bom dia, xô doutor.
  • 00:00:06David: Então, Dona Assunção? O que a traz por cá?
  • 00:00:10Assunção: Olhe, já ando para vir cá desde o Natal, mas não tive vagar e andei-me a aguentar!
  • 00:00:18David: Então, mas o que é que se passa?
  • 00:00:21Assunção: Estou com uma dor aqui de lado que não me passa, doutor.
  • 00:00:26David: Hum, deixe-me cá ver. Levante-se. É aqui na anca? Está a doer agora?
  • 00:00:34Assunção: Dói! A cada passo que dou, sinto uma picada miudinha, como se tivesse um mosquito a picar-me aqui de lado.
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abrandarto slow down aguentarto hold up, withstand, bear a ancahip body part apenasjust, only BiologiaBiology a consultaconsultation, appointment demaistoo much doerto hurt dorpain EntãoSo, Then Estranhastrange o ladoside marcarto schedule, arrange, mark, score maçarto bore, annoy, bother o médicodoctor masc. a netagranddaughter OlheLook os ossosBones PensamentosThoughts a picadasting, bite, prick PicarTo sting, prick, mince, chop o raio-xx-ray realizarto take place, carry out, accomplish sentirto feel sofrerto suffer SolteiraSingle trocarto change, exchange, replace, switch usufruirto enjoy, benefit from vagarto wander
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Não se preocupeDon't worry sing.,formal Pode ser?Is that okay? Literal - Can it be? Mais alguma coisa?Anything else? Pregar olhoSleep (Literal: Nail the eye) O que a traz por cá?What brings yousing.,formal,fem. here? A cada passo que douWith every step I take Dói!It hurts! O que é que se passa?What's going on?, What's the matter?, What's up? As melhoras!Get well!
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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • Hi
    Can you explain the use of xô in the first line… I have looked it up in every dictionary I posses including Porto Editora which says: Interjeição “usada para afuguentar galinhas e outras aves” – the equivalent of ‘shoo’ in English. Is it a colloquialism?

    • Olá. There’s ‘xô’ as an interjection, used to scare animals (or people!) away, but there’s also ‘xô’ as a reduction of ‘senhor’, which is what you see here. Think of it more as a written reproduction of how ‘senhor’ would sound in fast mumbled speech, rather than a proper word per se 🙂

  • What does ‘xô’ mean? I’ve tried looking it up but can’t get any decent results.
    Is it related to ‘exmo’? (This is another word that I’m unsure of the meaning of and haven’t found a decent translation of).

    • Olá, Richard! ‘Xô’ is not so much a word itself, but a reduction of the word ‘senhor’. I’ve just posted another comment right here explaining this to Michael, if you’d like to read it 🙂

  • Ah Thank you, Joseph…. a little like ‘sash favor’ (English transliteration!) for ‘se faz favor’

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