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Pai, Quero Mudar A Casa

Dad, I Want To Change The House

A young woman asks for her father’s help with some shopping and home renovations. Learn new vocabulary for tools and home supplies.

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  • 00:00:03Filha: Pai, decidi fazer algumas obras em casa, mas vou precisar da tua ajuda.
  • 00:00:08Pai: Claro que te ajudo, filha. O que é que queres fazer?
  • 00:00:12Filha: Quero tapar algumas rachas, pintar, colocar umas prateleiras na parede,
  • 00:00:16colocar uns cortinados, trocar uns candeeiros…
  • 00:00:20Pai: Muito bem! Vamos a isso!
  • 00:00:22Filha: Mas também preciso que venhas às compras comigo. Para já, só tenho os cortinados e os candeeiros.
  • 00:00:28Pai: E não sabes o que precisas para fazer isso, não é?
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o berbequimdrill noun BuchasWall plugs, bushings Os candeeirosThe lamps Chaves de fendasScrewdrivers colocarto place, put os cortinadoscurtains o escadoteladder EspátulaPutty knife, spatula, trowel a fita métricameasuring tape a lixasandpaper o martelohammer MassaPutty as obrasconstruction work ParafusosScrews a paredewall pintarto paint prateleirasshelves os pregosnails RachasCracks Rolo para pintarPaint roller taparto cover tintapaint tirarTo take, take off, remove trocarto change, exchange, replace, switch
Premium Feature: Smart Review

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Obras em casaHome renovations Poder fazer faltaMay be needed dar palpitesto give hints or opinions, make suggestions
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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • Very good to hear them speak in their usual tempo. Again, I struggled to follow the conversation…but I am aware of my limitations.

  • I’m even learning new wordsin English as I didn’t know what bushings were!!! On a different note I’ve heard the word furadeira for drill. Is there any difference between that and berbequim? Thanks!

    • Olá, Susanne. In this dialogue, both words could pretty much be used interchangeably in all instances, even though I’d say that “umas/uns” feels a bit more general and abstract (so, good for the kind of vague to-do/to-buy list that they’re running through), while “algumas/alguns” tends to feel more concrete and quantifiable, at least for me.

      Now, some examples of situations where they’re not interchangeable:
      – Ele é um génio. (He’s a genius) | Eles são uns génios. (They’re geniuses) -> Uns is not used as a quantifier here; it’s still just acting as a simple indefinite article, like in the singular sentence. Alguns is not acceptable here. Tip: If you see the word uns/umas in a Portuguese sentence, but no corresponding quantifier in the English sentence, it’s probably a case like this.
      – Eles falaram uns com os outros. (They spoke with each other) | Nem uns nem outros estão certos. (Neither of them are right) -> In these kinds of structures, where you have this reciprocity between uns and outros, alguns is not usable. Maybe because the sum of uns + outros is todos (all), and this overall wholeness doesn’t fit with the incompleteness that alguns represents.
      – Eu tenho uns quantos amigos (I have a few/many friends) | “Ela cometeu uns poucos erros” (She made a few mistakes) -> In sentences where the quantifying bit is somehow compounded, alguns can’t be interchanged with uns alone, i.e. you can’t say both “uns poucos” and “alguns poucos“. But you can replace the whole group -> “uns poucos” with “alguns“.
      – Estes são alguns dos meus projetos. (These are some of my projects) | Elas são algumas de várias colegas que tenho. (They’re some of many colleagues I have) -> In plural sentences like this, where you’re isolating a part of a whole, assisted by the preposition de, the word uns/umas shouldn’t be used to replace alguns/algumas.

    • He’s basically joking that the mom will like to make comments / pass judgement on the work the dad and daughter are going to do. So even though they are doing all the hard work, the mom will show up at the end and say “you should have done this”, “you should have done that”.

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