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Árvores Genealógicas

Family Trees

The differences between Maria and João’s names result in an engaging conversation about family and kinship.

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  • 00:00:01Maria: João, o teu nome é muito pequeno,
  • 00:00:05só tens um apelido.
  • 00:00:07João: Sim, é o apelido da minha mãe.
  • 00:00:10Maria: Porque é que não tens o apelido do teu pai,
  • 00:00:13ou os apelidos dos dois?
  • 00:00:15João: Porque a minha mãe é solteira,
  • 00:00:18eu não tenho um pai.
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o apelidothe surname avógrandmother os avósgrandparents avôgrandfather BebésBabies casadomarried casar-seTo get married esposaspouse fem., wife Exatamenteexactly as famíliasfamilies filhosChildren, kids, offspring, sons IguaisEqual, same, alike irmãobrother o ladoside MaridosHusbands mudarto change mãemother a namoradagirlfriend NetosGrandchildren nomename paifather PequenoLittle, small porquebecause primoscousins seif a sobrinhaniece o sobrinhonephew SolteiraSingle only, just o tiouncle TradicionalTraditional tristesad
Premium Feature: Smart Review

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os doisboth, the two of them Certo?Right? Árvores genealógicasFamily trees Que giroHow cool, How cute, How nice Tens razãoYou're right (Literal - "You have reason")
Premium Feature: Smart Review

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A Distração Perfeita
Cais do Sodré
Estação de São Bento
Jantar em Casa do José
Viver Para Dar aos Outros
Vasco da Gama
Rita E Raquel Vão Ao Cinema
Memórias De Ontem
O Miguel Faz A Vontade À Gisela
Tratado de Tordesilhas


  • Posso relacionar com o João. Achei que eu era a única pessoa (mais especificamente – o único homem) com o apelido (português) da minha mãe . Muito obrigado por compartilhar a realidade da diversidade entre nomes e

  • Does the title ‘Um casal’ refer to a married couple or to eny two people in a permanent relationship?

    • Olá! It’s one of the rare cases in Portuguese where the presumably feminine noun is taken as the mixed-gender plural. So, we say ‘os avós’ to refer to *all* your grandparents, instead of ‘os avôs’, which is restricted to the grandfathers. ‘As avós’ is restricted to the grandmothers – the gender of the preceding article (os vs. as) is what makes the distinction.

  • I have a question. In the exercises you have “eu brinco com o meu irmão” (I play with my brother) but also “Estes são meus filhos” (These are my friends). Why isn’t there an “os” in the latter sentence when there is an “o” in the former? Shouldn’t it be “Estes são os meus filhos”?

    • “Eles são meus filhos” (They are my sons) means you’re talking about two or more boys/men, who don’t necessarily are all of your sons! You may have more children but you’re just talking about these sons.
      If you’d say “Eles são os meus filhos” you could be saying that they were all of your sons or even all of your children.
      When you say “Eu brinco com o meu irmão” (“I play with my brother”) you’re specifying this brother in particular, regardless of having more.
      I know it sounds confusing. Please, keep reaching out to us when you need it!

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