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A Boa Esperança

The Good Hope

Learn more about the Boa Esperança, a replica of the early caravels launched on perilous journeys in the 15th century. Adapted and translated from an article by Lena Strang in Tomorrow Magazine.

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  • 00:00:03A Boa Esperança foi construída em 1990, no estaleiro de Vila do Conde, no norte de Portugal.
  • 00:00:10É uma réplica autêntica dos navios, chamados "caravelas",
  • 00:00:15que foram utilizados nas explorações portuguesas dos mares, no século XV.
  • 00:00:20Em 2001, o Turismo do Algarve adquiriu a caravela para promover a cultura e história do Algarve
  • 00:00:27e a sua importância nos Descobrimentos Portugueses.
  • 00:00:31Embora pareça uma simples embarcação balançando tranquilamente nas águas da Marina de Lagos,
  • 00:00:37as suas antecessoras foram lançadas em perigosas viagens de exploração que mudaram o mundo.
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AberturaOpening alcançarto reach, achieve as antecessoraspredecessors fem. AustralSouthern AutênticaAuthentic BalançandoBalancing o cabocable, handle CaravelasCaravels ContornandoBypassing os descobrimentosdiscoveries EmbarcaçãoVessel, ship emboraalthough A esperançaHope EstaleiroShipyard Extremo OrienteFar East LançadasLaunched MastrosMasts a navegaçãonavigation o navioThe ship OtimismoOptimism a passagemtransition, passage renomearto rename o séculocentury TormentasStorms TranquilamenteQuietly, peacefully velasSails o ventowind a ÍndiaIndia
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Contra todas as probabilidadesAgainst all odds Que remete paraRefer to, Harking back to
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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A Revolução Liberal
O Cromo do Escritório
No Jogo Do Francisquinho
A Permacultura é Sustentável
Frango da Sarjeta
A Serra da Estrela
O Dia da Vacina
Ready to Come About: Prologue
O Mosteiro da Batalha
Viseu, Senhora da Beira


  • Enfrentar os oceanos nestas embarcações modestas. Que coragem e competência tiverem esses marinheiros naquela época!

  • The English translation for o Cabo in this shortie shows “the cable”. But it also means cape, right? The country Cabo Verde in English is Cape Verde, meaning Green Cape, not Green Cable, right? Or could be both? Same for O Cabo da Boa Esperança in South Africa, in English it’s Cape of Good Hope.

    Thank you.

    • Exactly! Cabo actually has several different meanings in Portuguese! Just for itself has at least 3 different meanings: Cable, Cape and also Handle. Actually it’s also a rank in the military hierarchy. I’d risk to say it’s a rank similar to a corporal. Someone correct me if I’m wrong!
      There are also expressions such as “levar a cabo” which means “getting something done”. It makes sense if you think of Cabo as the end of something (like in Cape, the point tail of land).
      So, Cabo is a very special word indeed.

  • Thank you for your explanation. The Portuguese “levar a cabo ” is almost the same as the Spanish “llevar a cabo “.

    • WOW I didn’t know there was a similar expression in Spanish! Thank you for the enlightenment.
      Also, there are two other expressions with “Cabo” in our translator! Feel free to check them out if you haven’t already. 🙂

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