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A Avó que Não Prega Olho à Noite

The Grandmother Who Can't Sleep a Wink at Night

Pedro arranged a Sunday lunch with his grandmother. He arrives a little after 9 a.m. to take a stroll through the city park before heading to the restaurant.

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  • 00:00:03Amélia: Finalmente!
  • 00:00:04Pedro: Então avó?!
  • 00:00:06Não combinámos às 9h00?
  • 00:00:08Amélia: São 9h20!
  • 00:00:10Pedro: São 20 minutos de atraso, avózinha.
  • 00:00:13Pelo caminho, apanhei algum trânsito!
  • 00:00:16Amélia: Há imenso tempo que te espero, Pedro!
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aproveitarto enjoy, take advantage of, take the opportunity to, use, seize o atrasodelay AvózinhaGrandmother (diminutive) , Granny BancoBench combinarto combine, arrange, agree, settle, join consigowith you (formal) CulpaBlame, fault DescansadoRested, relaxed enquantowhile, as long as, whereas estacionarto park a vehicle marcadoscheduled, marked, booked NetinhoGrandson (diminutive) o netograndson ProfundamenteDeeply QueridoDear masc. rirto laugh roncarto grunt, snore, make a pig sound O sangueThe blood o trânsitotraffic
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o burrodonkey adormecerto fall asleep descansarto rest dar um passeioto take a walk Pelo caminhoAlong the way De que serve isso?What good is that?, What's the point of that? Burro velho não aprendeYou can't teach an old dog new tricks, Literal - An old donkey doesn't learn Mais valia terMight as well have, Better to have Não prego olhoI don't sleep a wink Como se costuma dizerAs they say, As the saying goes Quem me deraI wish, If only
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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • 1. de que serve isso =What is the point of that?
    2. burro velho não aprende= You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

  • Lovely episode!
    Is “Fogo!” always used in this negative way or can it be more “Wow” in a positive way?
    And do Grand children never address their grandparents as “tu”?

    Many thanks

    • Olá, Debbie. “Fogo” is a very versatile expression 🙂 It can express negative feelings, but also positive surprise or excitement. As for the grandchildren, the form of treatment used will vary from family to family. Many will absolutely address their parents and grandparents as ‘tu’, while others will keep it more formal. Determining factors include tradition/conservativeness (which has a generational aspect to it) and socio-economic class.

  • Thank you, Joseph!
    I’m now going to use “fogo” at every possible opportunity, as it feels very satisfying to say!!!
    Best wishes

  • Olá Joseph, nas “expressions” encontra-se:
    “Como se costuma diz”…*
    A minha cabeça até agora só tinha “gravado”: “como se costuma dizer”.
    Ambas variações são válidas?
    * agradeceria uma frase exemplar.

    • Olá, Sabine. Foi um erro, uma gralha, que nos escapou! Já está corrigido – muito obrigado 🙂

  • In general, do families from higher socio-economic class tend to use the more formal address rather than the tu form between grandchild and grandparent, or vice versa?

    • Generally speaking, there’s a higher chance that those families use the more formal address.

  • Hello! I don’t understand how “sem perder de vista a avó que continua a dormir no carro” works. I don’t understand the structure. Is that equal to “sem perder a vista da avó …”? Thanks!

    • Maybe a word per word translation to English will help:
      – Sem [without] perder [losing] de vista [from sight] a avó [the grandmother] que continua [who continues] a dormir [sleeping] no carro [in the car] -> (literal) Without losing from sight the grandmother who continues sleeping in the car.

      “Perder de vista” (losing sight of…) is a fixed expression, which can’t be interchanged with “sem perder a vista da avó” (which would mean something odd like “without losing grandmother’s sight”).

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