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Uma Festa de Arromba

A Wild Party

Pedro is shocked when he returns home to find the aftermath of Sofia’s wild house party.

Notice how the verb ficar is used in different ways throughout the dialogue.

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  • 00:00:03Pedro: Ó Sofia, anda cá!
  • 00:00:06Sofia: O que é que se passa?
  • 00:00:07Pedro: Explica-me como é que a casa ficou neste estado!
  • 00:00:11Sofia: Ah… Fiz uma festa.
  • 00:00:14Pedro: Fizeste uma festa?! E o que é que aconteceu nessa festa, para ficar tudo de pantanas cá em casa?
  • 00:00:22Sofia: Com toda a honestidade, fiquei tão bêbeda que nem me consigo lembrar.
  • 00:00:26Pedro: Ficaste tão bêbeda que não te lembras porque é que está um carro incendiado no meio do jardim?
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o bidãocan, canister, drum, jerrycan desafiarto challenge ficarto stay, belocated, become o holofotespotlight incendiadoset on fire o isqueirolighter a tampacover, cap TosquiadoSheared
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Continua!Go on! De qualquer formaAnyway Fico felizI'm glad deixar cairto drop, let fall Como assim?What do you mean?, How so?, How come? de pantanastrashed, turned upside down, messed up ficar bêbadato get drunk fem. ficar sem gasolinato run out of gas ficar tontato get dizzy fem. ficar zangadoto get angry masc. Isto não fica assimThis isn't over Não te fica bemIt doesn't suit you
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Cava de Viriato
António Costa
Uma Consulta Ao Advogado
A Exploração Espacial
Liliana Precisa De Tempo
Jantar De Colegas… Ou Algo Mais?
O Bebé Pequerrucho
Mensagem De Agradecimento
Carolos à Moda da Beira-Alta
Carapaus de Corrida


  • Hi thank you for this episode, very well written and engaging story. Just one question, the use of ficar followed by de. as in ” O Samuel ficou de vir instalar um painel solar.” and translated as Samuel is supposed to come and install a solar panel. Is it always used to express the sense of a task or action promised but left undone?
    Many thanks

    • The expression “ficar de” followed by an infinitive verb is indeed used to express a commitment or obligation to perform a certain action in the future. It doesn’t necessarily imply that the task has been left undone, but rather that it is something that is supposed to happen.
      For example, in the sentence “O Samuel ficou de vir instalar um painel solar”, it means that Samuel has agreed or is expected to come and install a solar panel. It doesn’t necessarily mean that he hasn’t done it yet, just that it is something he is supposed to do.
      I hope this helps clarify the usage of “ficar de” in this context.
      As for other ways of conveying this, instead of “ficar de” it can also be used “ser suposto” (supposed to be). In this example, it would be: “É suposto o Samuel vir instalar um painel solar”.

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