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Um Turista Perdido

A Lost Tourist

A tourist struggles to find his way to his hotel… but not as much as he struggles with understanding Portuguese expressions.

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  • 00:00:04Local: Bom dia.
  • 00:00:05Está tudo bem?
  • 00:00:06Posso ajudá-lo?
  • 00:00:07Turista: Sim, yes, eu preciso de ajuda.
  • 00:00:11Estou à procura do meu… hotel.
  • 00:00:14Como se diz isso em português?
  • 00:00:15Local: Hotel.
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abrirto open AjudaHelp chegarto arrive chuvarain devagarslowly falarto speak, to talk ForretaCheap, stingy o hotelhotel irto go o ladoside a moradaaddress pagarto pay perdidolost sing.,masc. portuguêsPortuguese masc. a ruastreet tirarTo take, take off, remove TuristaTourist táxitaxi
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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AdeusGoodbye Boa sorteGood luck Posso ajudá-lo?Can I help you? sing.,formal,masc. Como se diz isso em português?How do you say that in Portuguese? Muito obrigadoThank you very much male speaker De nadaYou're welcome Pode falar mais devagar?Can you sing.,formal speak more slowly? EsqueçaForget it Pode tirar o cavalinho da chuvaDon't hold your breath, Forget it A péOn foot DesculpeSorry, Excuse me formal Pode repetir, por favor?Can yousing.,formal repeat that, please?
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With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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Aprender uma Nova Língua
O Delicioso Pastel de Nata
Passeio De Domingo
O Diário da Beatriz
Gostos Semelhantes
Um Passeio Estragado
À Procura de um Apartamento
Queres Vir Cá Jantar?
Uma Série de Perguntas
Dois Pais à Conversa


  • Please, comment on that expression: “You can take a horse out of the rain” — ?? What exactly does that mean? Thanks!

    • Haha, yes, that translation is a bit too literal. It’s a Portuguese idiom (‘podes tirar o cavalinho da chuva’) that means “pfff, don’t even think about it” or “you can forget about that”.

  • In question 1: “O que procura o turista perdido?” the answer given is: “O seu hotel”. Shouldn’t that rather be “O hotel dele”? I thought “seu” is only being used when adressing a person formally whereas “dele” is required when talking about a third person? Thanks, Dieter

  • I wish they would speak just a little more slowly, would make it a lot easier. As it is it’s hard to follow easily, even with access to the and playing repeats.

    • Sorry about that, Penny! You may have already tried this, but another thing that can help a bit is to click where it says “1x” in the upper right corner of the player. Keep clicking until it gets to 0.8x. This slows it down a little without making the voices too distorted.

  • Hi guys, new to your site and so far loving it.
    I am wondering if conseguir and poder are used or can be used interchangeably? For example, in the dialog above, could Rui have said, “Não pode chegar ao hotel a pé”? And is there much of a difference? Thanks in advance.

    • Olá Howard, so glad you’re enjoying the site so far! There is some overlap with the use of poder and conseguir (similar to how there is overlap with the use of may and can in English), but in general, poder is more related to having permission to do something or the possibility of doing something (may), whereas conseguir is more related to being able to do something or managing to do something (can).

  • Muito engraçado e gostei de ouvir a expressão tirar o cavala do chuvo no contexto, mas eu não diria que este episódio é para os principiantes. Não, não. È para o nível intermédio, acho eu

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