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Imprevistos Em Televisão

Unforeseen Situations On Tv

Vanda and António discuss how to handle a work emergency. Notice how the speakers use acabar + de + infinitive verb to refer to the recent past, i.e. something that “just” happened.

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  • 00:00:03Vanda: António, passei o fim de semana inteiro a tentar falar contigo!
  • 00:00:07António: Fui passar o fim de semana com os meus pais. Acabei de voltar, Vanda.
  • 00:00:12Vanda: Tivemos um problema enorme nas nossas mãos.
  • 00:00:15António: O que se passou?
  • 00:00:16Vanda: Ficámos sem o convidado do programa de amanhã.
  • 00:00:19António: Ele cancelou?
  • 00:00:20Vanda: Sim, ficou retido em Londres. O voo foi cancelado.
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a agenteagent, officer fem. o agenteagent, officer masc. os alinhamentosalignments ApresentadoraHost, presenter avisarto warn, notify o convidadoguest masc. desligarto disconnect, turn off, hang up the phone ImprevistoUnexpected, unforeseen inteirowhole, entire, complete MaquilhagemMake-up PesquisaResearch PivôsPivots promoverto promote RetidoHeld, retained, trapped tratarto take care of, handle, treat, address someone
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Ainda nãoNot yet O que se passou?What happened? Acabei de o fazerI just did, I just did it combinadoscheduled, arranged, combined E agora?What now?
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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • I was wondering if you could explain ‘ficar de’ a little more. I only know this to mean ‘to promise’ but here you have translated as ‘what is left to do’ though the context here would imply what was promised to be done but it has now left me wondering if there is more general underlying sense that I am not aware of. I am not very confident with this expression so any additional insights you have would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

    • Olá, Michael. I’d say that ‘ficar de’ simply refers to anything you were supposed to do, rather than a promise you made. That’s a closer translation, in my opinion, and should help you make more sense of this expression.

  • Hi there,
    Please could you tell me what pivots and alignments are? I worked in TV for many years and have never heard of them!

    Many thanks,

    • Olá, Debbie. The translation is perhaps more literal than natural, but a pivô would be an anchor, or host. Alinhamento refers to the order of the different parts/segments of the program.

      • Ola! I thought apresentadora means host, so Vanda says she already informed the apresentadora, so this pivot means another host?

        • Olá, Hana. Yes, apresentadora means host (just like pivô). I see where your question comes from – the dialogue implies that they’re switching hosts. That could’ve been exactly what happened! 🙂

  • Ah! Thank you, Joseph for your super speedy reply!
    We would translate alinhamento as “running order” in that case.

    Best wishes,

  • Thank you so much Joseph. That’s really interesting. I try to use better dictionaries but I do find them inadequate at times. not really highlighting the subtle meanings of usage. The Oxford Portuguese Dictionary only offers ‘promise ‘as a translation but now following your reply, I have checked in Porto Editora and it gives ‘combinar ou obrigar-se’ (a fazer algo). I must cross reference more with the Porto Editora!! lol Thank you again.

  • Ola ! Sorry I have a nerdish question,
    O que fiquei de fazer

    It means when Antonio finishes the work on hand at the moment? Or when he finishes the work he and Vanda has been talking about, like informing makeup team and change pivots and alignments?

    • At that point in the dialogue, the expected interpretation is that he’s referring to what they agreed that he was supposed to do. But as it is, the sentence is open ended enough to also contemplate other tasks he might have going on.

  • Hi, I always thought acabar is a verb that means “to finish”, so very confused to read “acabei de voltar”, “acabei de receber”, “acabou de chegar”. So does acabar mean “to finish” as well as “just”? Please be so kind to clarify. Bom fim de semana, Josephine

    • Olá, Josephine. That’s right, “acabar” can also mean “just” 🙂
      – Acabei de chegar = I’ve just arrived
      – Acabaste de ganhar = You’ve just won
      – Acabámos de sair = We’ve just left

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