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Assim Como?

Like What?

Notice the many different uses of the word “assim” throughout this couple’s argument. Will they work out their issues? Assim espero!

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  • 00:00:03Marido: Querida, as coisas não são bem assim…
  • 00:00:06Mulher: As coisas não são bem assim? Como é que te atreves a dizer isso?
  • 00:00:10Marido: É certo que eu não devia ter feito o que fiz, mas, ainda assim, não é motivo para reagires dessa forma.
  • 00:00:17Mulher: De que forma?
  • 00:00:18Marido: Assim, como estás a reagir…
  • 00:00:20Mulher: Assim como? Diz-me.
  • 00:00:22Marido: Com esse histerismo todo.
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acalmar-seto calm oneself down acontecerto happen aindastill, yet, even assimthus, therefore, accordingly, like that, so atreverto dare CalmamenteCalmly as coisasthings continuarto continue, keep, remain conversaconversation facilitarto facilitate, make easy gritarto shout, to scream ImensoImmense o maridohusband mulherwoman, wife QueridaDear, honey fem., term of endearment QueridoDear masc. reagirto react, respond SobreAbout, on, over, above
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assim queas soon as Mesmo assimEven so Sendo assimIn that case, Therefore Estás a virar-me as costas?Are you turning your back on me? Ficar a falar sozinhaTalking to oneself Continua assimKeep it up Assim como?Like what?, How so?, How is that? De que forma?In what way? Não queres mais nada?Yousing.,inf. don't want anything else? Assim esperoI hope so Ainda assimStill, Even so
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Cava de Viriato
António Costa
Uma Consulta Ao Advogado
A Exploração Espacial
Liliana Precisa De Tempo
Jantar De Colegas… Ou Algo Mais?
O Bebé Pequerrucho
Mensagem De Agradecimento
Carolos à Moda da Beira-Alta
Carapaus de Corrida


  • Wow – this was a tough one! I’m sure there are C1 level Shorties that are easier than this.

    I feel similarly about the word ‘assim’ as I do about the word ‘já’. Both are so ubiquitous in everyday speech, both are used in many expressions and with both words I find it extremely difficult to extract the meaning from the expressions they are used in.

  • I think the dificulty depends of your native language. In romanian there is a very similar word to “assim”: așa” used in expressions with analogous structures.

  • Yeah, this felt like a setback for me. I understood less than 20% just by listening to it without reading the transcript 🙁

    • I went ahead and bumped this up to B1. I think the estimate came out at A2 just because many of the individual words used are simpler, but the way they are used in all these different contexts / expressions (plus the speaking rate) makes it very difficult!

  • Hacho que a historia é um bocado machista ( um bocado é pouco ). Estou muito contente con tudos os textos e contidos do vosso projecto más nao gostei deste. Un saúdo.

  • A really useful text as the use of assim can be bewildering – at least to English speakers. But as a listening passage it was really hard which goes to show just how much I latch onto the subject matter which in turn allows me get the gist of the rest of the conversation. This conversation was based on vagaries with no real substance making it impossible to follow unless you really understood every expression. Despite the simplistic language, you really need to be a native speaker to appreciate the subtleties of this dialogue and therefore its humour.

  • I guess having been married for many, many years, I’ve been through so many of these “conversas” that the usage of “assim” in all its contexts in this story seemed very natural to me.

  • I completely agree with your point that the ‘conversation was based on vagaries’ – this is what made it really difficult. Not many nouns (concrete nouns?) to latch on to – this made it hard to fill in the blanks where I couldn’t comprehend things.

  • Thanks for all the feedback everyone! We’ll keep this in mind for future Shorties. I completely understand that the type of language made it hard to get enough context for comprehension.

  • Um “shorty” ótimo. Até me fez sorrir …
    São exatamente assim, algumas conversas de “dia a dia”.
    Bem observada!

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