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Um Bom Restaurante

A Good Restaurant

Natália and Pedro decided to enjoy a nice lunch together. Find out what they ordered!

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  • 00:00:03Pedro: Olá Natália!
  • 00:00:04Natália: Olá Pedro. Como é que estás?
  • 00:00:07Pedro: Estou bem, obrigado. E tu?
  • 00:00:10Natália: Também estou bem. Queres ir almoçar comigo?
  • 00:00:13Pedro: Pode ser, pois assim podemos aproveitar para conversar.
  • 00:00:19Natália: Conheço dois bons restaurantes nesta parte da cidade. Queres comer peixe ou carne?
  • 00:00:24Pedro: Hoje apetece-me comer peixe. Estou com saudades de comer um bom prato de bacalhau.
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almoçarto have lunch o bacalhaucodfish as bebidasdrinks, beverages a bicathe espresso regional term a carnemeat conversarto talk, chat, converse a dosedose, portion, serving a mesatable o peixefish a refeiçãomeal a ruastreet a sobremesadessert Sumo de laranjaOrange juice
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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a bicathe espresso regional term Com certezaCertainly, Of course, Absolutely, Sure Bom proveito!Enjoy! Estou com saudades deI miss, I'm longing for
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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Aprender uma Nova Língua
O Delicioso Pastel de Nata
Passeio De Domingo
O Diário da Beatriz
Gostos Semelhantes
Um Passeio Estragado
À Procura de um Apartamento
Queres Vir Cá Jantar?
Uma Série de Perguntas
Dois Pais à Conversa


  • When Maria asks for a table for 2, she uses the Pretérito imperfeito conjugation of the verb querer. Porque? Why not simple presente tense?

    • I’m just a learner like you but it’s considered a polite way of asking for something…Queríamos uma mesa, is like saying We would like a table. I hope this helps!

  • Still confused as I’m sure this is the Pretérito imperfeito conjugation of the verb querer. “Natália: Boa tarde. Queríamos uma mesa para duas pessoas.”

    • It is the Pretérito imperfeito, you’re absolutely right. And we often use it to sound extra polite. The simple present can sound a bit harsh when you’re making a request. And this is actually the same as in English. Many people would rather start a request with “I would like” than with “I want”. This “I would like” bit, in Portuguese, can be translated to the imperfeito “Queria” (verb querer) or to the conditional “Gostaria” (verb gostar). The former is more commonly used.

  • “Estou com saudade(s)” would be a good addition to the Expressions listed! Can you use that in any form, like “I miss watching movies”, “I miss going to the beach”, as well as “I miss you”? Thanks 🙂

    • Thanks, I just added it! And yes, it can be used broadly, including all the examples you gave. 🙂

  • Why is it not “apeteço-me” ?
    This seems more logical to me as it translates as I feel like eating fish today. Apetece-me doesn’t seem logical.

    • Good question. The only reason why your logic doesn’t apply is that apetecer is generally considered an impersonal verb. So, in a sentence with apetecer, instead of us being the subject, we are actually the indirect object (and the direct object is the thing we want). That explains why you don’t see “Eu apetece”, but “apetece-me” (Clitic Pronouns: Me & Te ).

      Apeteço-me” exists as well, but it means that you feel like eating yourself! 🙂

  • I was just congratulating myself that I could understand the beginner shorties when I came across this one. I had to slow it right down to understand most of it. Are they speaking more quickly then usual? It feels like it but perhaps it’s just me being dense! I had to look up bom proveito (enjoy your meal?) And dose de sardinhas but I am still not sure that that means. Perhaps these could be added to the vocabulary?
    Thanks for a great web site!

    • Hi Chris, you’re right, this one is more complicated. Maybe we should bump it up a level. Don’t worry, you’re not being dense! These difficulty levels are always an estimate because there are so many factors that go into what makes something difficult.

      Don’t forget that as a member you can click on the “Translate” toggle to see the English translation below the script. I’ll add “dose” and “bom proveito” to the lists, though! Those would be good to highlight. “Dose” means “dose”, but in this context it’s referring to an order/portion/serving of sardines. Thanks so much for your feedback so that we could improve this one!

  • Thank you Molly. I had forgotten about the translation toggle. I like to see how much I can understand before looking at the transcript and this time I had to work really hard! Thanks for your prompt reply.

  • At the beginning of each Shortie, I think I hear “Practice Portuguese, bom tu com”
    What does “bom tu com” mean, or am I not hearing it correctly?

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