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Imperfect Subjunctive

Another tense that makes up part of the conjuntivo is the pretérito imperfeito do conjuntivoimperfect subjunctive past . You learned about the pretérito imperfeito do indicativo, which references past events that were ongoing. In the conjuntivo, however, the imperfect refers to:

  • past or future wishes and desires;
  • something purely hypothetical in the past or future:
    • i.e. imagining “what could have been” or “what could be” if things were or had been different;
  • something that is or was unlikely to take place.


Before we get into the patterns and verb conjugations for this tense, let’s see some examples to give us some context:
Se ele estudasse, podia ser um excelente alunoIf he studied, he could be an excellent student
Eu gostava que visses este filmeI'd like you to watch this movie
Eles comiam sempre sopa, mesmo que não quisessemThey always ate soup, even if they didn't want to
Pensei que desse para irmos nadarI thought that we could go swimming
Eu faria um bolo se tivesse tempoI'd make a cake if I had time
Eles queriam que nós fôssemos com elesThey wanted us to go with them
Talvez fosse melhor ficarem em casaMaybe you'd better stay home, Maybe it would be better if you (pl.) stayed home
Eu pedi que fosses emboraI asked you to go away, I asked that you go away

How to Use the Pret. Imperfeito do Conjuntivo in a Sentence

Main Clause

As you can see from the examples above, the main clause of the sentence usually contains a verb in the pret. imperfeito do indicativo or in the condicional. (Less often, it can also go along with the pretérito perfeito, as in the last example above, or the futuro do conjuntivo.) Here are some examples of what you might hear in the main clause:

  • Eu faria isso se...I would do that if...
  • Gostava que...I would like...
  • Eu esperava que...I expected that..., I was hoping that...
  • Pensei que...I thought that...
  • Seria bom que...It would be nice if...
  • O que fazias se...What would you do if...?

Dependent Clause

The dependent clause is where you would find the pret. imperfeito do conjuntivo verb. One simple way these clauses are connected is by using the conjunction que, among other options. Here are a few examples of the phrasing you may hear when the pret. imperfeito do conjuntivo is about to be used:

  • Se eu, Se tu, Se nós...If I, If you, If we...
  • Mesmo que...Even if...
  • Como se...As if...
  • Talvez...Maybe...
  • E se nós...?, E se tu...?What if we...?, What if you...?

Putting it Together

See how the verbs in each clause work together? Just for clarity, let’s see the some of the same examples again, but with both of the verbs highlighted:

  • Se ele estudasse, podia ser um excelente alunoIf he studied, he could be an excellent student
  • Eu gostava que visses este filmeI'd like you to see this film
  • Eles comiam sempre sopa, mesmo que não quisessemThey always ate soup, even if they didn't want to

If you’re forming a complete sentence, the pret. imperfeito do conjuntivo technically won’t work by itself (i.e. as the only verb in the sentence). However, it’s very common to hear it on its own in replies, such as:

  • Como se isso fosse possívelAs if that were possible
  • Talvez fosse melhorMaybe you'd better

Verb Conjugation

For both regular and irregular verbs, you can use the pret. perfeito do indicativo of a verb as a shortcut to get to the pret. imperfeito do conjuntivo. Let’s take the verb chegararrive as an example: you conjugate it in the third-person plural of the simple past (chegaram) and you replace the -ram with -sse, to get chegasse – this is the first-person singular of pret. imperfeito do conjuntivo. All the other subjects use the same verb stem (in this case, chega-) with the endings -sse, -sses, -sse, -ssemos, and -ssem.
The terminations are basically the same whether the verb ends in -AR, -ER or -IR as you can see in the table below, except for the vowel right before the ending (a, e, or i, respectively). Also take note of the first-person plural (nós): the first vowel of the ending always has an accent. Add «´» if it’s a or i and add «^» if it’s an e. (This is only valid for regular verbs.)

Regular Verbs

Eu chegasse vivesse partisse
Tu chegasses vivesses partisses
Ele/Ela/Você chegasse vivesse partisse
Nós chegássemos vivêssemos partíssemos
Eles/Elas/Vocês chegassem vivessem partissem

Irregular Verbs

Especially for irregular verbs, following the rule above is very useful to make you start with the correct irregular verb stem. You can then conjugate them as you did with regular verbs:



Como se isso fosse possívelAs if that were possible

    eu fossei wereconjuntivo > imperfeito tu fossesYou sing.,inf. wereconjuntivo > imperfeito ele / ela fosseHe / She wereconjuntivo > imperfeito você fosseyou wereconjuntivo > imperfeito nós fôssemoswe wereconjuntivo > imperfeito eles / elas fossemthey wereconjuntivo > imperfeito vocês fossemyou wereconjuntivo > imperfeito



Tu continuavas a discutir mesmo que estivesses erradoYou used to continue arguing even if you were wrong.

    eu estivessei wereconjuntivo > imperfeito tu estivessesYou sing.,inf. wereconjuntivo > imperfeito ele / ela estivesseHe / She wereconjuntivo > imperfeito você estivesseyou wereconjuntivo > imperfeito nós estivéssemoswe wereconjuntivo > imperfeito eles / elas estivessemthey wereconjuntivo > imperfeito vocês estivessemyou wereconjuntivo > imperfeito



Se nós lhe déssemos dinheiro ele gastaria tudo.If we gave him money, he would spend all of it.

    eu dessei gaveconjuntivo > imperfeito tu dessesYou sing.,inf. gaveconjuntivo > imperfeito ele / ela desseHe / She gaveconjuntivo > imperfeito você desseyou gaveconjuntivo > imperfeito nós déssemoswe gaveconjuntivo > imperfeito eles / elas dessemthey gaveconjuntivo > imperfeito vocês dessemyou gaveconjuntivo > imperfeito



Seria estranho se tu fosses sem elasIt would be weird if you went without them.

    eu fossei wentconjuntivo > imperfeito tu fossesYou sing.,inf. wentconjuntivo > imperfeito ele / ela fosseHe / She wentconjuntivo > imperfeito você fosseyou wentconjuntivo > imperfeito nós fôssemoswe wentconjuntivo > imperfeito eles / elas fossemthey wentconjuntivo > imperfeito vocês fossemyou wentconjuntivo > imperfeito