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Simple Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

So far, you’ve learned what prepositions are and you’ve been introduced to quite a few of them.
Similar to English, there are dozens of prepositions in Portuguese grammar. There are simple prepositions (single words, some of which form contractions with pronouns and articles) and there are prepositional phrases. For example:

Let’s look at some of the most common examples of each type.

Simple Prepositions

Some of these you may remember from previous units. Keep in mind that the words often have many possible meanings, depending on the context in which they’re used, so the English translations shown are not all-inclusive.

ato, at, on entrebetween, among contraagainst parafor
apósafter, upon perantein front of, before defrom, of porby, for
atéuntil, by, up to semwithout desdesince, from sobunder, underneath
comwith sobreon, about, over, above emin, at, on, about trásbehind, after

Estou com os meus amigosI'm with my friends
Estou aqui até ao NatalI'm here until Christmas
Não como desde o pequeno-almoçoI haven't eaten since breakfast
Remember also that a, de, em, and por can be contracted with determiners and pronouns, giving you even more prepositions to work with.

Prepositional Phrases

While prepositional phrases in the English grammar consist, at least, of a preposition and an object, locuções prepositivasprepositional phrases , on the other hand, are just prepositions (simple and/or contracted) paired with another word (usually an adverb). These expressions must always end with a preposition.
Let’s take a look at a few examples. First, we have a prepositional phrase with 2 words: apesar dealthough, even though, despite
Correu bem apesar da chuvaIt went well despite the rain
Note: de + a = da (This is the preposition de and the definite article a.)
This next prepositional phrase has 3 words: a partir deas of, from (amt. of time) on . This includes 2 prepositions (a and de) and the verb partirleave, depart, break .
Não como mais carne a partir de hojeI'm not eating any more meat as of today
This chart shows some of the most common prepositional phrases you’ll come across in Portuguese, but there are many more as well.

longe deaway, far from atrás debehind ao lado denext to, beside, alongside
graças athanks to em frente ain front of quanto aabout, in terms of
perto denear, around por baixo debelow em cima deon, above
debaixo deunder por causa debecause of, due to acerca deabout, on, regarding
além debesides, beyond, aside from depois deafter através dethrough
a par debesides antes debefore, ahead of por cima deon top of, above

“Accidental” Prepositions

You will also notice some words that technically come from other grammatical categories, but that can also act as prepositions:

Here are a few sentences you could find yourself saying:
É feito consoante as normasIt is done according to the norms
Ele corre durante horas!He runs for hours!
Não tive hipótese senão voltar para trásI had no choice but to turn back