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Interrogative Quantifiers: How Much? How Many?

In this lesson, we’ll take a look at quantificadores interrogativosinterrogative quantifiers . Interrogative quantifiers introduce questions related to quantities. These types of questions are invariably answered using another quantifier. The interrogative quantifiers include:
Quanto?How much?(masc.)
Quanta?How much?(fem.)
Quantos?How many?(masc.)
Quantas?How many?(fem.)

How much?

When used to question a quantity, quanto and quanta are the singular form equivalents to “how much” in English. (In an upcoming lesson, you’ll also learn about how quanto functions as a relative quantifier.)
Quanto gastaste ontem?How much did you spend yesterday?
É precisa quanta lã para umas luvas?How much wool is needed for a pair of gloves?

How many?

Quantos and quantas are the plural forms of quanto and quanta, and they correspond to “how many” in English.
Quantos amigos teus convidaste?How many of your friends did you invite?
São necessárias quantas folhas?How many sheets are needed?

Answering with a quantifier

As stated, a question using an interrogative quantifier is always answered with another quantifier, such as a number, as in the example below:
Quantos pãezinhos quer?How many rolls would you like?
Queria cinco, por favor.I’d like five, please.


  • And likewise as above could you then also put:
    “Quanta la precisa para umas uvas?” For me that would sound more logical.
    And then I guess I could say “um par de luvas” I hope, and then this at first incomprehensible phrase for me would make complete sense.
    Really looking forward to your answer and thanks in advance.

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