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Dona Ana no Consultório Médico

Dona Ana at the Doctor's Office

Dona Ana visits her doctor, Doutor Afonso, to check on her health.

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  • 00:00:01Dona Ana: Bom dia, Dr. Afonso!
  • 00:00:04Dr.Afonso: Bom dia, D. Ana.
  • 00:00:06Como está a senhora?
  • 00:00:09Dona Ana: Estou muito bem, obrigada, doutor.
  • 00:00:12Quer dizer, não estou muito bem.
  • 00:00:15Estou muito feliz por causa do meu novo neto, o Bruno!
  • 00:00:20Está em casa com o meu filho e a esposa dele, a Sara.
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algumasome, any fem. bemwell CasaHouse, home a coisaThing Consultório médicoDoctor's office, Medical clinic depoislater, then, after EntãoSo, Then errarto err, make a mistake esperarto hope, wait os examesexams, medical tests falarto speak, to talk fazerto do, to make FelizHappy FilhoSon, child IssoThat near listener Meumy, mine muitovery, a lot, much o médicodoctor masc. o netograndson ninguémnobody novoyoung, new o problemaproblem quandowhen refeiçõesmeals saberto know facts sentirto feel tocarto touch, play music, ring tudoeverything VariadasVaried verto see, to look, to watch vezestimes o vinhowine a vistasight, view águawater os óculosglasses
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por causa debecause of, due to em casaat home outra vezagain, another time Os doentesPatients, "the sick" Não me sinto bemI don't feel well Como está a senhora?How are you? (formal, speaking to a woman) Muito obrigada!Thank you very much! (female speaker) Quer dizerI mean, That is to say
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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Aprender uma Nova Língua
O Delicioso Pastel de Nata
Passeio De Domingo
O Diário da Beatriz
Gostos Semelhantes
Um Passeio Estragado
À Procura de um Apartamento
Queres Vir Cá Jantar?
Uma Série de Perguntas
Dois Pais à Conversa


  • muito obrigada, loving the self recording questions and really enjoy the little dialogue at the end of each set

  • Good little drama – these are very helpful.

    Is there a difference between ‘Queixar’ and ‘Reclamar’ as they both translate as ‘to complain’?

    • Olá, Mike! The word ‘foca’ in the quiz comes from the verb ‘focar’ (to focus). It is used correctly, since it is the third-person singular conjugation (‘ele foca’ = he focuses). The question is basically “What else does he focus on?”.

  • Muito engraçada shortie. Também é facil para entender e educativo. Obrigado.

    Mas tenho uma pergunta sobre “Quer dizer – I mean, That is to say'” Parece-me que “quer dizer” é “You want to say”. É isso só uma expressão idiomática?

    • Obrigado pelo teu comentário! “Quer dizer” pode significar “want(s) to say”, mas também pode significar “It means”. Por causa deste último significado, também o usamos como expressão idiomática no sentido de “I mean” ou “That is” 🙂

  • Exams? No examinations by a doctor? Dona Ana being a grandmother won’t take exmans surely? But if I am wrong I might have to take an exam! LOL

    • Lol, sorry for the confusion! I think a more inclusive translation would be “tests” or “medical tests”. Since the launch of this episode, we’ve been informed that in British English “exam” is reserved for the exams you take in school, but that it would not be used in a medical context, whereas in American English, either one could be used in both contexts.

  • For me this was a tough quiz at the end…Lots of words there that have not been covered, particularly when we are just covering basic verbs. I know you want to try and push us students but I think this is a step too far for a complete beginner !

    • Thanks for the feedback! You’re right, I think we could simplify this one. I’ll mark it to be reviewed. 🙂

  • Bom dia,

    E este episódio não tinha uma segunda parte por acaso? Parece-me que eu ouvi o episódio quando a dona Ana volta a ir ao médico, ele já tem os resultados dos análises e falam sobre eles.

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