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Fractional Numbers

In this lesson, we’ll learn about quantificadores fraccionáriosfractional numbers , which define exact fractions, or parts, of a given thing. Let’s have a look:

List of Portuguese Fractional Numbers

Fractional numbers 1/2 – 1/10 Fractional numbers 1/11 – 1/19 Fractional numbers 1/20 – 1/1000

Fractionals, just like multipliers, are paired with the preposition deof (or its prepositional contraction). You may have noticed that there are multiple ways to say fractional numbers. Let’s review the variations:

Using “Parte”

You’ll notice that a lot of these fractional numerals (apart from meio/metade and terço) correspond to the masculine versions of ordinal numerals: quarto, quinto, sexto, décimo, vigésimo, etc. (This happens in English as well.) But when we want to express smaller and smaller fractions, we commonly use the feminine version of those ordinal numerals with the word partepart . For example:
Um sétimo destes impostos vai para caridade.One seventh of these taxes goes to charity.
But also…
Uma sétima parte destes impostos vai para caridade.A seventh(part) of these taxes goes to charity.
Fractions must agree in number with the amount of parts being counted, as in English. So we could count a single seventh part as um sétimo, but two sevenths would be dois sétimos, three sevenths would be três sétimos, and so on.

Using “Avos”

Avos is a funny little word in Portuguese that is used to signal every equal part a unit is divided into, as long as it’s divided more than ten times. Putting it another way: if we divide a certain something in ten equal parts or fewer, we use fractionals without avo, as in:
Um quinto dos estudantes copia em exames.A fifth of all students cheats during exams.
If we divide it into more than ten equal parts, we can use avos, as in:
Um dezassete avos dos estudantes copia em exames.One seventeenth(part) of all students cheats during exames.
In the previous example, we used avos because we divided our student body into seventeen equal parts. Though avos can technically be used for any division beyond ten equal parts, it’s usually not used for multiples of ten. Example:

  • Less common: Vou dar-te trinta avos da minha herança.I’ll give you a one thirtieth(part) of my inheritance.
  • More common: Vou dar-te uma trigésima parte da minha herança.I’ll give you one thirtieth(part) of my inheritance.
  • More common: Vou dar-te um trigésimo da minha herança.I’ll give you one thirtieth of my inheritance.

Notice that, if we use the ordinal + parte construction, avos is no longer used.
Usamos sempre vinte e seis avos do produto.We always use one twenty-sixth(part) of the product.
Usamos sempre uma vigésima-sexta parte do produto.We always use one twenty-sixth(part) of the product.