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Cardinal Numbers

What are cardinal numbers?

Cardinal numbers are basically regular ol’ numbers. They simply indicate the number of people, animals, or things.
Eu tenho três irmãosI have three brothers
Ela tem dez pássarosShe has ten birds
Vocês compram vinte laranjasYou buy twenty oranges

They are invariable, except…

The majority of cardinal numbers are invariable, meaning they only have one form. For example, you say três meninos (3 boys) and três meninas (3 girls). There is only one form of três, and most other cardinal numbers.
There are a few important exceptions, however: umone , doistwo , and the centenashundreds starting at 200, do change form depending on the gender of the noun. For example:

Cem or Cento?

Another variation to note is cem vs. cento, but it’s not related to gender this time.
The word cem100 is used when it stands on its own, when it comes before a noun, and when talking about higher quantities.
cem pássarosone hundred birds
cem mil dólaresone hundred thousand dollars
However, when is followed by a lower number, we use cento.
cento e dezone hundred and ten, 110
cento e vinteone hundred and twenty, 120


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