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Leitfaden für die Aussprache von Konsonanten des europäischen Portugiesisch

Portugiesisch und Deutsch haben größtenteils ein gemeinsames Alphabet, und viele der Laute, die mit jedem Konsonanten verbunden sind, sind recht ähnlich. Wenn du ein deutscher Muttersprachler bist, solltest du besonders auf die Aussprache der Konsonanten achten, die mit dem vowels, die wir in einer separaten Lernnotiz behandeln werden, sowie die folgenden Konsonanten / Konsonantendigraphen: c, ç, ch, h, lh, m, n, nh, r, s, x, and z. Dieser Leitfaden bietet einen Überblick über die Aussprache des europäischen Portugals für consonants, aber du solltest auch diese Links besuchen, um genauere Erklärungen zu einigen der schwierigeren Klänge zu erhalten:

European Portuguese Pronunciation: Consonant Sounds

Notes / Context IPA
Bb bocamouth boat b
Cc cedoearly less Before e or i s
casahouse can Before a, o, or u k
Çç praçasquare, plaza less s
Ch chuvarain shoe
Dd dedofinger
dead The Portuguese d is often pronounced with the tongue slightly more forward (touching the teeth more, approximating „th“) compared to the English d. d, d̪
Ff figofig fig f
Gg o geloice genre Before e or i
gatocat gate Before a, o, or u
Hh horahour hour Silent
Jj João genre
Kk   Only appears in foreign loan words k
Ll luamoon lose
lh bacalhaucodfish paella (Spanish) No close approximation
Mm mãemother mom Beginning or middle of word m
foramthey were
town, thing No close approximation. At the end of a word or syllable, the m and the preceding vowel are replaced by a nasal vowel or diphthong.
am → ɐ̃w
em → ɐ̃j
im → ĩ
om → õ
um → ũ
Nn nadanothing nod Beginning or middle of word n
tantoso much
sintoI feel
thing No close approximation. Similar to m, at the end of a word or syllable, the n and the preceding vowel are replaced by a nasal vowel.
an → ɐ̃
en → ẽ
in → ĩ
on → õ
un → ũ
nh linhaline canyon
baño (Spanish)
No close approximation. The Portuguese sound is produced slightly further back in the mouth, using the body of the tongue instead of the tip of the tongue. ɲ
Pp paifather pie p
Qq queijocheese key Q is always followed by a u, just like in English k
quartoroom queen kw
Rr ruastreet No close approximation. Beginning of word. Pronounced like a guttural r, somewhere between and r and a „thick“ h. It is voiced with the tongue pulling back toward the uvula. Others pronounce it more rolled. (R varies quite a bit among dialects.)
correrrun Double r is pronounced the same as above.
ficarto stay Madeira
water (Amer. English) Between vowels, end of syllable, or end of word: pronounced as a flap/alveolar r. No close approximations in British English.
Ss inglêsEnglish
English Before an unvoiced consonant (c,ç,ch,f,p,q,s,t) or at the end of a word ʃ
os amigosthe friends
zoo Between vowels (even if the vowel sound is in the next word) z
desligarturn off, disconnect genre Before a voiced consonant (b,d,g,j,l,lh,m,n,nh,r,rr,v,z) ʒ
Tt tossecough tea t
Vv vinhowine van v
Ww Only appears in foreign loan words
Xx xaropesyrup
textotext baixoshort
shoe Beginning of a word, before a consonant, after a diphthong, between vowels(and first one is not e), after me, after en ʃ
o exameexam zoo Between e and a vowel (except after me) z
xitaxi taxi There are some exceptions to the aforementioned x rules which do not follow a set pattern, such as the „ks“ pronunciation in táxi. ks
Yy   Only appears in foreign loan words. Some English words that start with y are spelled with io in Portuguese, such as iogayoga and o iogurteyogurt
Zz dezten English Before unvoiced consonant (c,ç,ch,f,p,q,s,t) or at the end of a word ʃ
dez eurosten euros zoo End of word followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound z
felizmentefortunately genre Before a voiced consonant (b,d,g,j,l,lh,m,n,nh,r,rr,v,z) ʒ
zoo Everywhere else z

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