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False Cognates

false cognates

False cognates, also known as falsos amigosfalse friends , are words that look and/or sound similar in two different languages, but that don’t actually have the same meaning. In other words (no pun intended), they “trick” you into thinking they are true cognates.
Let’s start with what’s most important: making sure you don’t run into any doors when you’re in Portugal… 🚪🏃🏽‍♂️
puxarto pull
empurrarto push
So you pull the doors marked PUXE and you push the doors marked EMPURRE . Got it? You sure? Good luck!
And while we’re at it…
pularto jump
Now that that’s cleared up, we’ll continue listing more falsos amigos, followed by the word for what you thought it was:


enrolarroll up inscreverenroll, sign up, register
apontaraim, note, jot down, point at nomearappoint
anteciparmove to an earlier time ** preveranticipate, predict
atenderpick up, answer, respond to comparecerattend, show up to
realizaraccomplish, direct (movies) perceberunderstand, realize
advertirwarn, advise anunciaradvertise
pretenderintend fingirpretend
resumirsummarize retomarresume
assistirwatch, attend ** ajudarhelp, assist
suportarwithstand apoiarsupport
avisarwarn, notify aconselharadvise, counsel
introduzirenter, insert, bring in, introduce(a thing or concept) apresentarintroduce(a person)

** antecipar can sometimes mean to predict, but it’s not the common meaning
** similarly, the verb assistir can also mean to help or aid, but it’s less common


retiradowithdrawn reformadoretired
bem-educadopolite, well-raised ** bem instruídowell-educated cultolearned, cultured
convictocertain, convinced condenadoconvicted
esquisitostrange requintadoexquisite refinadorefined
relativosregarding, related parentesrelatives

** This isn’t technically a false cognate, since educado by itself can also mean educated or instructed. However, we think this common mistake is worth mentioning.


atualmentecurrently na verdadeactually, in fact
aliásindeed, in fact, moreover pseudónimoalias, pseudonym cognomealias, nickname
eventualmentepossibly, if necessary finalmenteeventually, ultimately, finally

Concrete Nouns

o balcãocounter a sacadabalcony a varandabalcony
o colarnecklace a golacollar
a fábricafactory o tecidofabric
a gripeflu agarrargrip
a injúriainsult o ferimentoinjury
as legendassubtitles as lendaslegends
a livrariabook store a bibliotecalibrary
os parentesrelatives paisparents
a pastafolder, briefcase o macarrãopasta
o alunostudent o ex-alunoalumnus
o recipientecontainer o destinatáriorecipient
o exércitothe army o exercícioexercise
o lanchesnack o almoçolunch
o colégioprivate school a faculdadecollege a universidadeuniversity, college
a salsaparsley o molhosauce
o bifesteak a carne da vacabeef
o aparelhoequipment a vestimentaclothing, apparel o vestuárioclothing, apparel
o jarrojug, pitcher o boiãojar, pot o potejar, pot
o jornalnewspaper a revistamagazine, journal o periódicoperiodical, journal
o laçobow a rendalace
editorpublisher redatoreditor
o ofíciocraft, trade o escritóriooffice
a entradaappetizer, starter o prato principalmain dish, entree

Abstract Nouns

o compromissoappointment a concessãoconcession, compromise cederyield, compromise, cede (verb)
o costumehabit, custom a fantasiacostume
a datadate os dadosdata
o apontamentonote, memorandum o compromissocommitment, appointment a marcaçãobooking, appointment o agendamentoscheduling, appointment
a deceçãodisappointment a fraudefraud, deception enganarto deceive
o prejuízoloss, harm o preconceitoprejudice
a taxafee o impostotax
o êxitosuccess a saídaexit
a ingenuidadenaivety a criatividadecreativity, ingenuity
a notícianews o avisonotice
a leiturareading a aulaclass, lesson, lecture a palestralecture, talk, presentation a liçãolesson

Don’t let them trick you — they’re not your friends! 😈

To lock the true meaning in your memory, let’s practice using false cognates in the lessons to follow…


  • For me as a foreigner who even don’t speak English very well and who don’t know the exact meaning of these words in English this is a confusing exercise🤪.
    The English subtitles don’t help because I have to translate them too … and in my mother
    language German these Portuguese words are no false amigos😆.
    It would be great if i could put all these words in my smart review by one click…
    Muito obrigada!

    • Yes the cognates and false cognates lessons are not as helpful for non-native English speakers. Sorry about that! Feel free to skip those units if they are just confusing. Maybe one day we can include lessons on Portuguese-German cognates, as well as other languages. 🙂

  • It would be brilliant if you could one day make a similar resource for learners who speak Spanish. But thank you very much for this one – well-presented and clear as always.

  • I had fun with this false friend today:
    ‘estou constipado’ means ‘I have a cold’. While ‘I am constipated’ translates to ‘tenho obstipação’.

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