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Adverbs of Place: Near, Far, etc.

In this lesson, we’ll be looking at advérbios de lugaradverbs of place . These adverbs tell us where something happens or where something is, so they’re pretty essential for building up your Portuguese sentences.

Placing Adverbs of Place

Portuguese adverbs of place are quite versatile as they can be placed before or after the verb they’re modifying. Unlike other adverbs, adverbs of place don’t modify adjectives or other adverbs; they only modify verbs. Sounds simple, right? Let’s see a few of them in action:


Onde está a minha camisola?Where’s my jumper?
Está onde a deixaste.It’s where you left it.


A minha casa fica longe da praia.My house is far from the beach.
Braga é longe de Lisboa.Braga is far from Lisbon.


PertoClose, near
Estamos perto.We’re close.
Ela disse para a encontrarmos perto do banco.She told us to meet her near the bank.


AdianteAhead, forward
O castelo fica adiante.The castle lies ahead.
Nós já vamos, ele vai adiante.We’ll go in a minute, he’ll go ahead (of us) .


AntesBefore, in front
O museu fica logo antes da padaria.The museum is just before the bakery.
Ela é a que está antes do João na fotografia.She’s the one in front of João in the picture.


A câmara municipal fica depois do posto de correios.The town hall is (located) after the post office.
*Just like before and after in English, antes and depois do double duty as adverbs of time.