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Pôr Tudo em Pratos Limpos

Setting The Record Straight (Putting Everything On Clean Plates)

Adriana tells Nuno about how her last relationship ended.

Verbs practice: irregular verbs in the simple past

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  • 00:00:03Nuno: Bom dia, Adriana! Foste ver o concerto dos Deolinda ontem à noite?
  • 00:00:09Adriana: Oi, Nuno. Sim, fui ao concerto, mas estive lá pouco [tempo]. E tu? Estiveste lá do início ao fim?
  • 00:00:16Nuno: Também não. Vim cedo para casa.
  • 00:00:19Os meus amigos tiveram a ideia de encomendar pizza e jogar monopólio, então viemos todos embora.
  • 00:00:26Adriana: Foram mais cedo para casa para jogar monopólio?
  • 00:00:29Nuno: Fomos sim.
  • 00:00:30Adriana: Que desperdício! O bilhete do concerto foi tão caro.
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alguémsomebody, someone a amizadefriendship assimthus, therefore, accordingly, like that, so o bilheteticket as cançõessongs o casalthe couple CasuaisCasual (pl.) cedoearly ComporTo compose, arrange, put together o concertoconcert desperdíciowaste noun a dúvidadoubt, question esforçarto try hard, make an effort, strive Ex-namoradoEx-boyfriend InjustoUnfair namorarto date a penafeather a relaçãorelationship, relation SériaSerious (fem.)
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ontem à noitelast night Pôr tudo em pratos limposTo set the record straight, Literal - To put everything on clean plates Ir emboraTo leave, To go away
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À Descoberta de Sagres
A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate


  • Hi, Love everything about your sit and podcasts. I wish the quizzes for C1 level were a bit more challenging.

  • Bom dia.
    Qual é a diferença entre o significado do uso de verbos vir e ir :
    00:16, Vim cedo para casa
    00:26, Foram mais cedo para casa para jogar monopólio?

    Jesper (Dinamarca)

    • Olá, Jesper. Vir = to come. Ir = to go. Ou seja, normalmente usamos “vir” para descrever uma aproximação (vir de longe para mais perto) e “ir” para descrever um afastamento (ir de perto para mais longe) ou descrever um movimento que já é intrinsecamente distante. No contexto do diálogo, quando o Nuno diz “vim cedo para casa”, é porque na perspetiva dele, a casa dele está mais próxima do que o concerto. Na perspetiva da Adriana, todo o movimento do Nuno (e dos amigos) é distante para ela, por isso ela diz “foram mais cedo”.

    • Depende da perspetiva/direção do movimento. “Viemos embora” sugere um movimento de aproximação. Por exemplo, “Viemos embora para casa” = “We came home”. Mas “Fomos embora” tem uma perspetiva neutra ou então sugere um movimento de afastamento. “Fomos embora para casa” = “We went home”.

  • Pôr tudo em pratos limpos = To set the record straight, Literal – To put everything on clean plates
    English is not my mother language. I do not understand what this means. Start new/again or something like that ?

    • ‘Setting the record straight’ basically means to reveal the truth about something. Usually it’s because there’s some kind of misunderstanding and you are ‘setting the record straight’ by saying what actually happened. In this context it means that he finally admitted how he really felt about the relationship.

    • Yes, many people have casually adopted this expression in Portugal too. But it’s still regarded as a Brazilian Portuguese expression.

  • I was wondering about the use of the conjunctive in this shortie:
    1. “É pena que depois quisessem outras coisas”. Why would you use the past conjunctive here? There is nothing really hypothetical or wished or desired in the way she says the sentence. They literally did actually want different things. Its different from saying something like “Eu desejo que eles quisessem outras coisas”.
    2. “Espero que encontres alguém melhor!” Why is the conjunctive not used here? In this case he is obviously wishing or hoping for something. I would say something like “Espero que encontrares alguém melhor!”.
    I only recently got my head around the conjunctive so any help straightening out these confusing tenses would be very much appreciated 😛

    • Olá, Michael.
      1) “É pena que depois quisessem outras coisas” -> The subjunctive is not used because of its hypothetical value, but simply for grammatical correctness, due to how the sentence is structured (“que” is one of the major triggers of the subjunctive in subordinative sentences). With a different wording, the subjunctive wouldn’t be needed. For example: “É pena depois quererem outras coisas” (personal infinitive)

      2) “Espero que encontres alguém melhor!” -> This is the subjunctive! 🙂 More specifically, the present subjunctive, in the 2nd person singular form. “Encontrares” would be the future subjunctive, but oddly enough, the sentence wouldn’t be grammatically correct with it.

  • Well I thought I was getting on Ok until this shorty .
    I found the audio very difficult to follow after the first few sentences mainly due to Adriana not coming across as clearly as Nuno. Her sentences seemed to blur especially the one containing bilhetes This was compounded by the introduction of a multitude of stock phrases and the use of Dar in various different meanings not yet learnt.
    Remembering that this is the first shorty after learning the basic past tense, I thought that this was quite hard.
    Whilst the verb dar is to give here we see its use as to To not work for ( not previously seen in the units)
    I can make sense of the text but am trying to understand the shorties without using it if I possibly can.
    The use of Quisserem ? Could you please explain a bit further why the “que” triggers this and when we should and should not use the imperfect conjunctive in similar circumstances. I had previously thought that it was only used for doubts , wishes, desires, imaginings, unlikelihoods. ?
    I am not sure what level of comprehension from the audio anyone is expected to achieve at this stage ?
    Notwithstanding the above I am thoroughly enjoying the units and the exercises.

    • Olá, Simon. Thanks for your feedback – we made a note to review this and see if we can find a shorty that fits this level better!

      About your questions (and I’ll try to be brief), the verb ‘dar’ is indeed very versatile in terms of uses. It’s a topic we hope to cover in more detail in future content.
      The word ‘que’ is also used in a variety of ways, as a relative pronoun or conjunction, and you’ll come across it often, but not necessarily followed by the subjunctive. That depends on the kind of subordinative sentence involved + the idea being expressed/the context (structure & semantics).

      As for the use of the subjunctive, even putting hard grammar aside for a moment, if we think of it as a generally subjective mood (as opposed to the objective/factual indicative), we can see that the context allows for it, since the speaker is sharing a personal thought. A more objective sentence would be something like “Só que depois queriam outras coisas” (But then they wanted other things). No room for the subjunctive there – even with the word ‘que’. This subjunctive/subjective association might be a simpler and better way of looking at it and making sense of the subjunctive mood. It’s a very difficult mood to grasp, in any case!

    • Pena can either be translated as feather or penalty/pity/shame.
      O pássaro deixou cair uma pena = The bird dropped a feather.
      Isso dá direito a uma pena pesada = That entitles you to a heavy penalty.
      Tenho pena de ti = I pity you.
      Que pena! = What a shame! (also: What a pity!)

  • I am trying to understand some of the subtleties between when to use the imperfect and when to use the past perfect. I know the basic rules (continuous actions in the past, “used to”, actions interrupted by another, etc). It’s more about the ones that don’t obviously fit the rules as described in textbooks.

    For instance, there’s a line here where it says “ele sempre quis…” and shortly after that is followed by “eu queria…”.

    Both are translated as “wanted” and are referring to the exact same historical time (their relationship) in the same story, so why the different choice of tense for each sentence? If you translated her sentence as “I would like”, then it would be fine, but there is no shift to explain why I should use one tense over another here. 🙁

    • Olá! Great question.
      In this case, it’s that specific phrasing with the word ‘sempre’ that makes us choose the simple past in Portuguese. If we said “ele queria sempre”, this could be interpreted as describing something habitual or recurring, which in this context would make it about his whole relationship history. “Ele sempre quis” is focused on his wishes for this one relationship, and in hindsight, with a distant outlook, confirms that his intentions were always the same for the duration of it. “Eu queria” falls within the same timeline in this context, but narrating it from a closer perspective, as if she were going back to a time where the relationship was still current and described her feelings then. Sorry if this is not entirely clear anyway – these subtleties are difficult to grasp and to explain! 🙂

      • Thank you, this is a helpful answer! It’s these kinds of little subtleties and explanations that are really what is needed at my level (moving from B1 to B2) – there’s just so many things that don’t fit perfect rules and you really just have to learn by exposure and asking questions!

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