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Encontro de Vizinhos

Neighbors Meeting

Two neighbours meet and discuss some problems in their apartment complex.

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  • 00:00:03Vizinho: Olá, vizinha! Como está?
  • 00:00:06Vizinha: Bom dia, vizinho! Já não o via há muito tempo.
  • 00:00:10Vizinho: É verdade. Tenho andado com muito trabalho, mal paro em casa.
  • 00:00:15Vizinha: Não pode ser. Olhe que ainda fica doente outra vez!
  • 00:00:20Vizinho: Não se preocupe. O que não me ajuda é o barulho que os vizinhos do 3ºB fazem à noite.
  • 00:00:27Vizinha: Também ouviu ontem?
  • 00:00:29Vizinho: Se ouvi? Nem conseguia dormir. Tive de ir lá pedir-lhes para desligarem a música.
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os andaresthe floors AvariadoBroken, out of order, defective barulhonoise BeijinhoKiss (diminutive) a campainhabell CondomínioCondominium desligarto disconnect, turn off, hang up the phone DiscutidoDiscussed o elevadorlift, elevator enquantowhile, as long as, whereas IncomodaBother, inconvenience, trouble MedidaMeasure ninguémnobody ontemyesterday o respeitorespect as reuniõesmeetings o sacobag subirto climb, go up, rise vistoseen os vizinhosneighbours
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Até logo!See you later! outra vezagain, another time pelo menosat least Não se preocupeDon't worry sing.,formal ir às comprasto go shopping
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A Nova Paixão Da Anabela
Um Patê Muito Bom
O Aquecimento Global
Padrão dos Descobrimentos
A Mulher que Adormece em Todo o Lado
Operação Stop
Até que a Tempestade Passe
Ana Vai ao Médico
O “Mestre” do Engate
Ao Telefone Com a Mãe


    • Hi there, this one is at the “medium” level, so you may want to start with these instead: Beginner Level Shorties. If you’re a member, keep in mind that you can use the “Translate” toggle to see the English translation. We also have a series of Units here that is very helpful for getting started with the basics: Units. Let me know if you have any questions at all!

  • Thanks for this very nice and useful shorty. Amazing that already an elementary, daily conversation between neighbours requires that many different tenses and modes of the verb. Talvez seja preciso tomarmos …Não faz sentido estarmos … Se eu estiver em casa não me importo… The portuguese verb is sometimes a bit complicated but ik makes the language very exact. I love that.
    And last but there is always the tough para-por-issue in which this shorty was very helpful.


    P.S. Are there any other languages having a infinitivo pessoal? In French for example it doesn’t exist. The french have other ways to avoid the conjuntivo.

    • Thank you for your comment, Rens! Indeed, the simplest conversation can become extremely complex, if you dissect it grammatically 🙂 Regarding the personal infinitive, from what I could gather, there seem to be forms of it in the Silician and Galician languages, but I don’t know more about this.

  • Thanks, Joseph, very interesting. Apparently the portugues language managed to preserve its special features troughout the centuries.

  • Agree with above comments, seems a little difficult for stage A2 ; for me anyhow !! Still, being challenged is what it is all about !

    • You’re right, there are some tricky verb tenses and expressions in this one! Setting these levels is always more of an estimate because natural speech involves such a variety of levels at once. This one is probably right on the line of B1.

  • Acho ótimo este episódio, muito obrigado.  Gostaríamos mais como assim – é útil aprender formas de falar um pouco mais formal.  Muitas vezes estamos a conversar com pessoas com quem não me sentiria à vontade tratar  de uma forma mais informal. 

    • Obrigado nós pelo comentário! É verdade que é preciso tato no uso do informal/formal, conforme a pessoa e contexto. Ainda bem que este episódio foi útil como exemplo de um diálogo mais formal 🙂

  • Even so this is a difficult one I got full points in the quiz. I don’t think it is necessary to understand every small detail.

  • Have you considered making more than 5 questions? I think that quiz part is quite interesting but would like to see more questions about the shorties.

    • Sure, we’ll consider this! Sometimes they are so short that we run out of things to ask about, but I’m sure there are many where we could add more.

  • Hi All,

    Can I ask the translation for the following correct?

    Eu já estive para chamar a polícia por duas vezes/ I’ve been meaning to call the police on them twice

    It doesn’t feel right in english

    Its feels like, I have been (already been) to call the police twice… or I have already called the police twice

    Appreciate any advice

    • Olá! The translation is correct. The structure “estar para…” can be used very idiomatically in the sense of being about to do something or walmost doing something, as is the case here. They want to say that they almost called the police in two different occasions, but didn’t actually follow through.

  • There are some NEW and quite difficult grammar and vocabulary concepts here. It would be good if more explanation was provided after the quiz . I found this one challenging as have others.

    • I’m sorry for the trouble. We adjusted the level for this one and we’ll look into creating a simpler shorty for this unit!

  • Following my comments on the challenging aspects of this shorty, I think explanations would have been very useful for the varied uses of the word “mesmo” and the expression “Talvez seja preciso tomarmos” left me baffled. These are just two examples which made this script so difficult for A2 standard.

  • Hello, just reading the comments on this one… OK so I don’t feel so bad that the text left me feeling a bit confused. Particularly as to how I can apply some of the sentence structures to my own examples and start to use them..
    This one is particular – Se eu estiver em casa, não me importo de ajudá-la – really sent me spinning. Why estiver? Under what circumstances would I use this structure and would – se eu estou em casa, be OK???

    Thank you

    • Olá 🙂 “Estiver” is a future subjunctive conjugation, which is suitable in this context because the speaker is describing a future hypothetical scenario (a common application of the subjunctive mood). The simple present “estou” would not be grammatically correct here.

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