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A Páscoa em Portugal

Easter in Portugal

Half Jesus, half chocolate! Portugal and its Easter traditions, in a video with subtitles so you can practice at your own pace.

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  • 00:00:00Este episódio e todos os outros têm um vídeo com legendas e a respetiva transcrição.
  • 00:00:07Vai a, torna-te um membro e experimenta estas novidades.
  • 00:00:17Rui: Olá, bem-vindos! Eu sou o Rui. Joel: E eu sou o Joel. E juntos acreditamos que estudar gramática
  • 00:00:25e fazer exercícios não é suficiente. Joel: Nem divertido. Mas não te preocupes e fica connosco
  • 00:00:32até ao fim.
  • 00:00:33Rui: Porque ouvir um Português falar é a melhor forma de estudar.
  • 00:00:37[Vamos ao artigo!] A Páscoa em Portugal - Em Portugal, a Páscoa que se celebra é a
Premium Members get access to this episode's entire transcription, as well as hundreds more!

Premium Feature: Episode Quizzes

With a Premium Subscription, you can take episode quizzes to challenge your comprehension skills and track your progress!

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a bençãoboon, blessing cascapeel, shell, bark celebrarto celebrate EmbuchadoEmbuchado JejumFasting A procissãoThe procession o recheiothe filling A ressurreiçãoResurrection a velacandle
Premium Feature: Smart Review

With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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Prémios e Roubos
Despedidas e Parcerias
Já Somos YouTubers!
Maratona de Leitura
Como Falam os Nossos Membros?
Ninguém Quer Esparguete Doce
As Senhoras Que Bebem Cerveja
Dona Gertrudes e a Conta do Gás
Roupa Na Varanda, Afinal Quem Manda?
À Caça de Descontos no Supermercado


  • Muito origada! I would just like to say that for me the vocabulary you explain is quite easy, however some other words which are not explained are so complicated. For example: condenado, recheio (here I would need an english explanation).

    Até em breve

  • Dear Rui and Joel,
    I am a member of Practice Portugues.
    I have a problem of Dialogo 2, can not open it properly.
    Would you please solve it for me?
    Thank you in advance.

    Wei Shen

  • Obrigado. Well done. Btw, is it possible to stay on the same “page” when you select an espisode? For example, if i got to page 7 to select an espidoe and start play, the page optionb below the transcript resets to 1 for selecting episodes.

    • Olá Carlos, thanks for your message. At the moment, there isn’t a way to save the pagination of that episode scroller. However, that would be a lot more user-friendly so I’ve added it to our list! For now, your best bet might be to open an episode in a new window/tab, then close that new tab when you’re done to return to the episode scroller (with it’s position retained) in the previous tab.

      • Olá Joel. Muito Obrigado. Eu vou fazer como que tu disse…..apologies for any errors. I am still working on my grammar.

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